
Sacman registerring in… Hi guys! Nice to see old friends.

Hi everyone. Looks like a very nice new form you got here. WalkonKing, Tef, Anthony, Yellow Ninga… nice to see you guys. I’ve been busy taking care of my mom who was injured from a stroke for the past year. So for the past 10 months I haven’t touched my Condor, or gone hunting, or been on the TOG.

I recently jumped back on the TOG and got a headache from all the drama and crap that’s on there right now. Ugh!…I got enough of that in my own personal life… who needs more from an airgun forum! For me, airgunning is R&R and a way for me to relax and I like to enjoy just talking about our guns and hunting/shooting.

Thanks to Mavericks who re-directed me over to this forum, and to WalkonKing for the help in the registration. I plan to break out my Condor from storage and start hunting with it again, and chiming in here to hear more from everyone.

From what little I’ve seen lately on the TOG, the trend looks like it’s getting worse on there. So I’m gllad this forum is here.


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My condolences on your loss Lino.

VERY glad to hear from your again! I hope you make time to get out and shoot/relax some! I know it was a great outlet for you some time ago.

Grats to Tofazfou on the new addition!!!! tell him I/we said HEY!

Looking forward to hearing more from you soon.


Lino… good to see you around.

Glad you made it here.

That’s great news! I did hear on the grapevine that he had a baby, and I sent him a message about it. When you speak with him again please say hi from me and send all of our best wishes to the three of them.

Sorry to hear about your mom.

Glad to hear theres a Tofazfou Jr. around !

quote TeflonTron:

Hey Lino.

Man, that’s real shitty news. I’m sorry.

How is Ced doing?


Cedric is doing well. You probably haven’t seen much of him because he had a new baby boy about a couple of months ago and he’s being a good “daddy” and spending lots of time with his new son and wife.


First off, my condolences to you my Brother.

Second off, great to hear from you.

Welcome to the TAF.

We have a great crew here and its getting better everyday.

Enjoy, spread the word.


Hey Lino.

Man, that’s real shitty news. I’m sorry.

How is Ced doing?


All I can say it that SUCKS.

May she be at peace.

quote Yellow Ninja:

Glad to see u here sacman. Hope your mom is doing/does better.

Damn… I forgot to mention… after 16 months trying to recover from damage from her 1st stroke my mom had a 2nd stroke and quickly passed away. Much thanks for your sentiments tho YN.

Oh and Adam… I’m sure we’ll be seein more good folks of the old group out here. I’m looking forward to it.



Good talking to you after so long a time. We have all the top folks here and get a long fine. We have more plans for the site and expect you to stop in and have some fun for a change.


Glad to see u here sacman. Hope your mom is doing/does better.

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