
Round ball ammo thought…

The post below re: #3 buckshot got me wondering. We all know that supersonic velocity is bad for the standard diabolo pellet shape. But that wouldn’t apply to a sphere, would it? The only stabilization imparted to a round ball is spin and velocity, so it seems the faster you can push them, the better. Anyone have any hard data on this? I just got some Perfect Rounds, but haven’t had a chance to try them yet. Thanks.


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Good question DAVE. But, you may not be TOO happy with the perfect rounds as far as accuracy is concerned. The little i have found so far is that for some reason, roundballs shoot hella great out of the bigbores but not the smallbores. I have shot them in .22 and .25 and 9mm and 50 cal. In .22 and .25 the accuracy was OK as rob said. Good for backyard plinking. But the 9mm and 50 cal i use them exclusively for hunting and target shooting.

yes yes yes…thats all true re roundballs at subsonic speeds.

But the question remains. IF you WANT to shoot supersonic. is there an increase in inaccuracy beyond what is to be expected from subsonic roundballs.

At least thats what I’d like to know 😆

Nice find, good read. Thanks

If you read the article put up by YN it says that in the case of firearm projectiles that the effect takes place due to side wind or breeze that is almost always present. It doesnt take much moving air to move the POI due to this effect. Even in muzzle loaders the non roundball ammo is more accurate than roundball.

What I thought was really interesting in that article was the ship that was propelled only by spinning two very large cylinders in the air. No propeller or sails. This was a full sized ship not some mocked up model. It wasnt as effecient as a prop so it didnt go any further. It did sail from Europe to America though and I believe was faster than the sailing ships of the day.

quote Airgunner:

I wouldn’t think the Magnus effect would be an issue, as the ball would be revolving in a spiral in the direction it is traveling. When a pitcher throws a curve ball, the magnus effect seems to allow the ball to dive/curve, but that is because the ball is spinning backwards and partially to one direction either cw or ccw. So, I would think that with the ball ammo the magnus effect wouldn’t be an issue, as the ball is rotating around its horizontal axis…?
just my $.02 😛

we see it in paintball all the time.

I wouldn’t think the Magnus effect would be an issue, as the ball would be revolving in a spiral in the direction it is traveling. When a pitcher throws a curve ball, the magnus effect seems to allow the ball to dive/curve, but that is because the ball is spinning backwards and partially to one direction either cw or ccw. So, I would think that with the ball ammo the magnus effect wouldn’t be an issue, as the ball is rotating around its horizontal axis…?
just my $.02 😛

I’ve heard Dennis Quackenbush talk of choosing a rifling twist rate to maximize accuracy potential for round balls. I’m not sure if that is true for smallbore airguns or not. I know that I tried size F buckshot in my Condor when it was .22 and the accuracy was ok out to 30 yards, but nothing to write home about. Would get a few good shots, then a flyer.

I’ve yet to try the #3 buck in my .25 yet for accuracy, but I can tell you that they SCREAM out of that Condor in .25

quote Yellow Ninja:

For those like me who had no idea what WOK was talking about…


Ooops….sorry 😉

For those like me who had no idea what WOK was talking about…


I always thought the loss of accuracy for ball ammo was due to the Magnus Effect?

Interesting thought Dave. Ive heard people say the lack of accuracy was due to tumbeling but you raised an inseresting question. Is there a deflection if the center of gravity itself? I don’t know. I wonder if wind effects would be amplified at the least…all speculation of course. Looking forward to The high tech airgunner’s oppinions. Anyone here work for NASA?

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