
R4 Evo build ….. yep im at it again !

Well im back to bore the rabble of the TAG some more , with another build , so ive got a excuse not to do christmas shopping with the lady when it comes !.
So ive got my G0704 mill CNC,d running with ballscrews , 360oz motors with the Gecko G540 and all i can say is thank F***K ive finaly got that piece of crap X2 junked in the corner of my shed 😀 . Im more than happy with the performance of the Gecko despite others saying it wouldnt work on this size machine , ok its not going to do speed records but its a hobbie mill not a comercial machine. The machine is just SO MUCH better than the X2 its untrue. I can finaly mill with the cutter being true to all axis and without the X2 column flexing away like a flag pole on a heavy cut. Its holding .06 of backlash on the X and Y axis with the Z axis having .18 …dooohhh ,which i cant find where its coming from …hmmm ? more investigating 😕

So ive started to build a bullpup along the lines of the T4. I always thought that the T4 could of been better , there were a few things that niggled me about the design ie. only 8 shots and the complex cocking.
The bullpup mag has got 12 pellets this time which was easier to design as the mag didnt have to rotate so far and a side cocking handle to make the gun easy to cock. Its also smaller in size with the breach about 15mm shorter than the T4 .

Im also thinking of making this a multi pump with the idea that i could pump a cylinder with enough air for 12 full power shots. Getting a dive cylinder filled around here is a pain and expensive . Im still working on the drawings for the multi pump which il post later but im going to try and make it.

The breach is complete apart from some engraving , also the cocking handle and mag indexing bar. Ive had abit of time in my shed !.

And this one is for Millie …. my long time partner in crime ! , co conspirator in the Russian T4 gun copy scandal , motivator when all was lost and all round cheese and ham monster who died last week of old age.
Some will say the Russian secret service finaly got to her for her part in the T4 scandal but i can confirm her death was from natural causes.
I miss her greatly .
L8r All
P.S it looks like im about to be a dad at the age of 40 ……shoot me now someone …. please ! 😀


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Freaking awesome works there Buba.

Don’t put yourself down buba, you have some mad mechanical skills for sure

I’ve been doing 3D modeling for years, so the step to solid modeling for CAD was simple one for me, problem comes from the lack of “vision”
How to design 2 or more pieces that work together to make shit happen.

quote Buba b:

Thanks all 😀 , Ive had a few people ask for drawings , Dogwood you can have the drawings if you can optimize my web site for me ! lol , as this is where im spending my time 🙁 . Sorry to say i dont have the time at the moment to convert , zip and email all 51 x 1.5mb drawings 😯 , it would take forever !.
In fact i think i would make someone a gun if they could optimize the dam thing for me , its doing my head in so much !
Truth is if your got any skills with Auto CAD or 3D drawing program then designing your own would not be that hard and more rewarding. Im by no means an airgun guro , so if i can do it ….. anyone can !.
L8r all 😀

Nice work…. I’m trying to stop myself buying one of those mills.

Thanks all 😀 , Ive had a few people ask for drawings , Dogwood you can have the drawings if you can optimize my web site for me ! lol , as this is where im spending my time 🙁 . Sorry to say i dont have the time at the moment to convert , zip and email all 51 x 1.5mb drawings 😯 , it would take forever !.
In fact i think i would make someone a gun if they could optimize the dam thing for me , its doing my head in so much !
Truth is if your got any skills with Auto CAD or 3D drawing program then designing your own would not be that hard and more rewarding. Im by no means an airgun guro , so if i can do it ….. anyone can !.
L8r all 😀


Just incredible that you have done all this from scratch….very impressive.

sweet work buba, don’t suppose i could talk you into sending me your drawings 😎

All working finished breach 😀 just got to decide and finish the engraving on the side. I could of made the side plate fit flush but thought it would be a good place for some of the engraving. Once the engraving is done it will be shotblasted and then anodised silver , it was always going to be natural finish because of the differant grades of alloy used.

A very dull vid ( i did warn you! 😕 ) of the indexing with the click / clack noise for all you hardcore gun freeks.

Top rail and trigger done , this build has gone abit quick so ive decided to make a few more parts . Im going to make a trigger shoe and an adjustable butt . Its abit of over kill but i need more too play with 😀

This is my last cylinder tube supplied by Bazz ,ive got to see if the tube can be cut down by about 20mm but il have to see if it will fit in my lathe then its onto the valves. Its just to dam cold to do anything at the moment , i need a heater bad !, have to see when i get back to it. 😀
In the mean time im having fun with learning 3D milling in CAM ….. fun days.
L8r All 😀

quote :

just to have something to take apart and learn from

Believe me all you would learn is how not too do it ! . Just arfter starting the TURD i saw an idea that would of been so simple it put my overly complex design to shame . Maybe il take it apart and ……
Yeh the waiting list seams abit long in the USA for a G0704 at the moment. I got mine off Evilbay , not the best way to get a machine , have nt seen any more since. Im very happy with mine at the moment , once ive finished this build it will be back to making some new brass gibs and instaling a one shot oiler .
Once that kidney sells on Evilbay !!! 😀


I want one of those mills 😀

I’d take it off your hands, cheap 🙂 just to have something to take apart and learn from 😈

I’m so far behind the mechanical design curve it’s embarrassing 😳

oh yeah, still waiting on my g0704 😯 keeps getting pushed out, seem they’ve run into some quality problems 😥

The problem with selling the TURD is that its not a finished gun , it was always a design and build exercise . Theres things i like about it and things i would change if i built it again. I dont want to sell it then the buyer be left with a whole bunch of problems at a later date which unless he has a machine shop will not be able to sort. Ive only used it twice with about 8 mags of pellets through it . Over 20 feet ( ideal ratting range ) it worked fine .The problem is that i dont want to test it anymore than that ! as me rattling off that many shots in my back garden will draw alot of unwanted attention.
A much better idea would be to make a breach , scope rings and trigger unit ( with a S200 cylinder plus barrel supplied by someone else ) to make a cheap bullpup . Ive designed it but havent got round to building it ….. yet !
L8r All 😀

x2 what YN said.

That is just outstanding work! I love those magazines. Very well designed all around. Abnormally clean shop too. I’m surprised the cad system that’s compatible is that good.

Buba, cant u post the other one for sale and ship it abroad?

Seem’s a waste to destroy or not be able to benefit from it in someway, financially or from its use.

Im back …..too …. the ripple of light applause ! hehe 😕 .Yeh WalkonKing
you love that mill and one day soon your gona give in and buy one ( you know you want too! 😈 ) . Then your CNC it and wonder why youve been cranking that handle for so long on all your butts and grip sets 😀 .
South youve got me all wrong 🙁 , ive got lots of time at the moment because ive got no work. This week im going to take home before tax and costs £104 😯 . With the cost of living over here im well below the poverty line and im struggling to see how im going to pay a £3500 tax bill before the end of January ? . So ive come up with a cunning plan ……. to just say F*** it !….. LoL.
Show me anywhere thats having a good time at the moment and il move !.
Got the trigger group done , this is just a single stage trigger but the main reason for the separate trigger group block is so i can make differant shear groups at a later stage. Im going to replace the wire spring with a leaf spring as its proving too powerfull for the job.

Most of the scope ring set done with a little cut out on the sides as a result of F****** up the last cut … and i mean the last cut damit 👿
Im now working my way throught the top rail and for the conection from the trigger to shear im going to use control fittings uesd on RC planes.

Too much Fluff on that pic 😕
So lots still to do and so little tim ……. plenty of time to do it in ! damit 🙄
L8r All

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