
R4 Evo build ….. yep im at it again !

Well im back to bore the rabble of the TAG some more , with another build , so ive got a excuse not to do christmas shopping with the lady when it comes !.
So ive got my G0704 mill CNC,d running with ballscrews , 360oz motors with the Gecko G540 and all i can say is thank F***K ive finaly got that piece of crap X2 junked in the corner of my shed 😀 . Im more than happy with the performance of the Gecko despite others saying it wouldnt work on this size machine , ok its not going to do speed records but its a hobbie mill not a comercial machine. The machine is just SO MUCH better than the X2 its untrue. I can finaly mill with the cutter being true to all axis and without the X2 column flexing away like a flag pole on a heavy cut. Its holding .06 of backlash on the X and Y axis with the Z axis having .18 …dooohhh ,which i cant find where its coming from …hmmm ? more investigating 😕

So ive started to build a bullpup along the lines of the T4. I always thought that the T4 could of been better , there were a few things that niggled me about the design ie. only 8 shots and the complex cocking.
The bullpup mag has got 12 pellets this time which was easier to design as the mag didnt have to rotate so far and a side cocking handle to make the gun easy to cock. Its also smaller in size with the breach about 15mm shorter than the T4 .

Im also thinking of making this a multi pump with the idea that i could pump a cylinder with enough air for 12 full power shots. Getting a dive cylinder filled around here is a pain and expensive . Im still working on the drawings for the multi pump which il post later but im going to try and make it.

The breach is complete apart from some engraving , also the cocking handle and mag indexing bar. Ive had abit of time in my shed !.

And this one is for Millie …. my long time partner in crime ! , co conspirator in the Russian T4 gun copy scandal , motivator when all was lost and all round cheese and ham monster who died last week of old age.
Some will say the Russian secret service finaly got to her for her part in the T4 scandal but i can confirm her death was from natural causes.
I miss her greatly .
L8r All
P.S it looks like im about to be a dad at the age of 40 ……shoot me now someone …. please ! 😀


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Damn Bubba, I really look forward to your projects. I hope and pray things turn around for you. Rent out her place and have her move in with you ).

Nice designs buba.

Sorry to hear you might be out of business (hopefully its only a short while)

This is the stock im going to make …..hopefully ! .Based on the Matador stock dimensions but more rounded and curver. The cutting time for this will be about 5 hours a side at my mills feed rates 😯 . If ive got time im going to attach a hand router to my mill , removing the heavy mill head. This should allow me to increase the feed rates and not burn out the mill motor by running it at full speed for along time.

Lofting the thumb shelf on the grip was the tricky part.

To make this stock quicker im going to need this router which im started to make but funds are limited at the moment . Also ive got no space to put it anywhere ….. think about that once ive made it 😕

With all that its a race against time as im about to rent out my house and move in with the GF , so its looking like the end is near . Work has dropped off a cliff face 👿 so needs must , with no room to set my machines up it could well be the end of my glittering career !.
L8r All 😀

Looking good!

Absolutely amazing…

Man thats some nice work. 😀

Second side done , running this on my mill has many me realise that i realy need a wood router for this type of work , so ive start to build one 😀 . It didnt completely line up with the first side but its only for fun and to try out my 3D modeling. It realy needs the higher spindle speeds and the faster cutting feeds to produce the smoother cuts and more defined edges. Its got a good enough shape to sand ,so the rest will be finished by hand if i complete it. My bros firm have just got a new CNC router so im going to try and get him to cut a stock for me

Scope rings would have looked alot better without the false cut but there you go ! 😈
L8r all 😀

That scope ring looks real nice. Its turning out to be another great build.


Don’t get discouraged on a long project. Quality always takes time to create. It’s the quality replication that pays off in the end.

If you build it well….it will sell.

There’s a market for both stock and action.

We’ll be watching closely.



Well i got my new mill motor and went to fit it only to find that the magnet had a crack in it and was hitting the windings 😯 . Having worked for a company that made power station generators and motors for nuclear subs i find the fact that the Chinese cant make a simple DC motor worrying !. So another wait for a new one 👿 . Then had to play with it as the new motor is 850w , the old 600w.
Ive read the posts on the tread motor and it looks a good solution if i can find one ? 😕 , even more so when i belt drive the mill , as i can see this motor not lasting long.
So im mid build and the blues hit me so i needed to start on something else . This meant learning lofting and surfaces in Solidworks and it took the best part of a month. Then tweeking with Cambam to program the 3D model before burning up my new motor with a 4 hour milling operation .
My bro works in a boat yard and can get lots of marine grade ply , this is just a test stock to find the problems out . The stock im hoping to make has alot more curves and also the ply laminate will be end on. Before that im going to have to mount a wood router to the mill because this new motor sounds ill already LoL.

This is arfter a little sanding and there will be 3 ops per side to make it fit on the mill.
L8r All 😀

Wow that’s impressive

If you find an old tread mill with a volume/rotary type speed control it will already have a good speed controller ).

Bubba, damn I wish I work metal like you do.

engraving looks damn good buba.

Yeah the motor burning out seems to a bit common these days… 😯

I’m a bit worried about mine, internal temp got over 180 F while in low gear at 500 RPM cutting some cast iron, bit high for such a light load.

the new mills are coming with a warning sticker and manual addendum telling you not to runt the motors at high speed to more than a couple minutes – seriously WTF?

Guy on cnczone has done a motor swap with a treadmill and new KBIC speed controller – looks to be a good alternative to putting more money on bad Chinese mystery motors.

Finaly got back to it , arfter the -8 Deg temps , that over Xmas made it too dam cold to stand in the shed. The breach is now complete with the engraving which i hope will be deep enough to survive the shot blasting to finish.

The one thing i wanted to do on this gun was make the air delivery smoother and there for have less dead air in the transfer port. This is why i made a brass air guide with a 6mm hole , separate from the breach, so i could grind the edges away. Im still trying to come up with a way of polishing the transfer port hole , its so dam small. If it will make a huge differance is another matter ….. but i like to tinker ! 🙄

So its just the valve , regulator and stock to finish which im still working on the 3D model , il make a reg this time as im going to have to order some more hammer springs and the bevel washers will get me past the minimum order this time. Having just got a chrono i tested my T4 with a 8lb hammer spring and found that it was abit on the wrong side of the law 😯 ,so ive taken it apart until i can test it with a 6lb spring. Hate to think what it was doing with the 12 lb spring and the 4mm transfer port before i change both.
My stirup pumps third stage has broke so that need fixing before more testing and my mills motor melted ( which they all seam to be doing ! ) new motor on the way! 👿 .
Good times indeed !
L8r All 😀

quote Buba b:

Thanks all 😀 , Ive had a few people ask for drawings , Dogwood you can have the drawings if you can optimize my web site for me ! lol , as this is where im spending my time 🙁 . Sorry to say i dont have the time at the moment to convert , zip and email all 51 x 1.5mb drawings 😯 , it would take forever !.
In fact i think i would make someone a gun if they could optimize the dam thing for me , its doing my head in so much !
Truth is if your got any skills with Auto CAD or 3D drawing program then designing your own would not be that hard and more rewarding. Im by no means an airgun guro , so if i can do it ….. anyone can !.
L8r all 😀

Actually, exporting and zipping isn’t that much work, at all…

Just open the assembly in solidworks then go to file-> pack and go,
Select save to zip file

and it’ll export all the parts in the assembly to a zip file, also it compresses it. 🙂

And yeah as for me, it’s allways interesting how other people design things, we can all learn from other people can’t we? 😀

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