
R3m offset mod question

I have just received my offset mod from Tony and after I installed the mod I realized that the mod looks a little off…. the exit hole was off center, so I rotated the mod to line up the hole then the actual can was cocked to the side and not in line with the barrel….to me it looks like the wholes for the pellet where drilled off center of the moderator so no matter which way I put it on either the whole can will be off center of the barrel or the exit hole will be off center on the front.



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note that my front scope cap is not straight …..

~ Greg

Well I was emailing him about the situation and he informed me that the other moderators he has in stock all are the same way…I’d love for someone to post a pic of theirs just like mine to see if the exit hole is center of the 2 vertical metal parts of the moderator. Because my exit hole is off to the side and not center.
When I get home I’ll pull out a straight edge and my calipers and see if I can get some measurements. I have a feeling the moderator was machined wrong and I got the short end of the stick.

I have know that some owners had clipping issues with their Offset Mods, so they enlarge the exit hole a bit (not my cup of tea/fix though).
I’d suspect maybe that they might had have this problem you’re encountering with ours, IDK ……

If you can’t find a resolution asks Tony if he’ll replace that one for yah.

~ Greg

Thanks Greg for adding those lines to show that it’s off centered…it’s really bugging me that if I rotate the mod ccw and line the exit hole up then the moderator is leaning to one side and looks off centered from the barrel.

I didn’t have this issue with mines ……..

Yes, that’s strange the pictures have different placement properties.

This pic indicates the mod just needs to be rotated CCW a bit.

This pic indicates it could be, mod mounting to barrel off to one side, an off centered hole on mod (defective), etc.

I’d concentrate on measuring and checking the mod first (to rule out mounting issues) with straight edges and digital calipers for symmetry.
May need to remove the mod to check ?

The only mounting issue fix that I know is to insert a steel washer between the mod and barrel fixing hex nut.
This reduces the friction to aid in keeping the mod in alignment to the barrel when tensioning.

~ Greg

I have and the accuracy hasn’t changed… the barrel position hasn’t changed. The moderator is what’s crooked. I just want to know if anybody else has the same issue I’m having with my offset moderator. I might be a little OCD with stuff being in line and Straight.

Shoot and check the accuracy.

Here’s another shot of the front of the can

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