"Pellet Gun" Sniper in CA
Just saw this on the news
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Turkish Revenge allows for convicts to stab fellow convicts in the buttocks region so you could use this as your defense if you put a few .25’s in his A@#! 😆 I know, were not in Turkey! 🙁
problem is, the bleeding heart liberals would want to put me in jail for 100+ years for doing what needs to be done.
semper fi
All you California Tag members need to get together and form a counter sniper team and take this guy out before he hurts someone and gets those bleeding heart liberals panties all in a bunch 😈
speedlimits….they only apply to others…i try to drive by freemont as fast as possible as not to get hit 😛
Oops — I forgot he is not High School anymore. Ok it is COREY then.
Just kidding people about Lama ——- Serious about Corey.
😀 Yep. I’m going to have to stop soon. Plane tickets are getting expensive. And I also need to work on my aim, hard to hit cygnus because he won’t go the speed limit. 😛
yea guys it was me hehe
Glad I’m on the east coast…..til’ I see Obama’s mother-in-law taking out the plane again 😀
It’s probably that obnoxious little sot you guys kicked off of here last month! He moved out to Cali and started a new life.
Glad I’m on the east coast…..til’ I see Obama’s mother-in-law taking out the plane again 😀
Here comes the pellet gun ban!
semper fi
.25 cal eunjin 34 grain @ 930 fps vs ford explorer door from 30 yards
“CHP officers do say it’s not necessary to change your driving habits, but if you do notice someone lurking in the bushes or on the side of a freeway, you should definitely call for help — especially at nighttime.”
THat part made my day.
I have figured out who is doing it. Mr Lama — he flies from AL to Cal everyday with his CONDOR and trying to hit WOK and Cypnus X and every other TAG member that lives in Cal cars. However, he keeping missing and hits other peoples cars.
Oops — I forgot he is not High School anymore. Ok it is COREY then.
Just kidding people about Lama ——- Serious about Corey.
If you look at that Vid that pellet is a Gamo rocket 😡
its a highway…..no one would hear a shot….not even from a .22lr i bet….car stereo, wind, road, noise barrier its gonna be damn hard to hear anything…but of course that doesnt mean they aint gonna have a field day with that
shooting air guns is already banned in Fremont …..shows how much that kind of rules help !
bet they will find a 15-18 year old kid in the bushes, will keep an eye out today…as im passing that stretch 4 times….
but it will probably harm the law abiding citizens in someway
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problem is, the bleeding heart liberals are probable, the ones taking pot shots to get airguns banned.