

Well, balls got big enough, and I changed from the 12″ barrel to the 18″ in my SS. Was surprised by its loudness. I’ve got a Frame-Extender on order, but haven’t received it yet. As is, it’s much too loud for use in the neighborhood.

How effectively can I quieten it down? I know the F-extender will mellow it down some, but I’m not enough. Would I go about it the same way as with the SS barrel?

Is anyone able to comment on the most effective of the LDC’s shown on this site? I’m no machinist, so I’m only able to do the amateur type mods.

Secondly, and this is not unique to the 18″ barrel,……with some regularity when firing my rifle, I will get this sort of “clunk” sound. Like you can almost envision the pellet just falling out of the end of the barrel to the ground.

I’ve been reading a lot of the comments on TOPHATS lately, could that be the problem? Hope not, I’m not very confident with messing with things I know nothing about.

As usual, any response(s) are much appreciated.

Thanks! 😀

Talon/Talon SS

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quote shaky:

Thanks for the ideas! I’m going to attribute it to not bringing the breech slide into a locking position. As mentioned, the problem doesn’t recur very often………..so OPERATOR ERROR sounds reasonable.

This site is fantastic!!

I sometimes feel guilty for asking for help so often,….and not being knowledgeable enough to offer any.

I really appreciate you guys! 😀

Dont ever feel guilty for asking for help here. We might be a rowdy bunch but none of us are above helping any member here.

Thanks for the ideas! I’m going to attribute it to not bringing the breech slide into a locking position. As mentioned, the problem doesn’t recur very often………..so OPERATOR ERROR sounds reasonable.

This site is fantastic!!

I sometimes feel guilty for asking for help so often,….and not being knowledgeable enough to offer any.

I really appreciate you guys! 😀

Hey Shaky,

A couple of resons why you are getting a “clunk” or “soft shot” could be like Spinj says, not bringing your breech slide back to fully seat against your tophat or your valve stem is unseating itself from the valve seal.

You can see if this is happening by inspecting the gap between the bottom of your tophat and the top of the brass insert in your tank.
If this is happeneing, when the hammer strikes it is just reseating the stem in the seal and not opening the valve resulting in a soft shot.

Keep an eye on that gap and see what happens.

Good Luck,

I polished the breech end forward to the first bushing on all my barrels ,and use pure silicon from a dive shop on the o-rings ,hammer and spring area.

Yeah, I’d get the occassional “clunk” or “click” sound before I knew the reason for it. It was not until I discovered the problem that I realized the reason why it was doing that was because the breech was not pulled back tightly and that the o-rings lost some slippiness. Once the o-rings are dry and without lubrication, they will grasp on to the barrel and tophat. So, it’s just important to periodically grease or oil the breech o-rings once you feel that the friction starts building. And yes, ALWAYS CLOSE THE BREECH OR COCKING BOLT SECURELY.

Had the clunk/soft shot/no shot problem when I was sorting out Lasse’s gun and it was the breech slide or hammer hanging up sometimes and slowing it down enough it fired slow or not at all…

Make sure all your screws are snug(don’t tighten too much or they will strip out) especially check the barrel bushing screws.

Taking it apart to look for any debris and you might find some thing fell in there?

If it fires normally with a random low shot that would be my guess…

Maybe also make sure your breech slide is all the way “clicked” or “seated” on the tophat…and you do the exact same thing every time, cocking handle in the same position, you cock it fully every time etc.

Let us know what you find out, Jim.

Did this with my SS. Now shooting with a micro bottle or CO2 velocity is much better and tighter groups. Since I shoot target mostly at 25 yards I only set power wheel on a 3. Noise isn’t bad. My Air Arms 410ERB is definitely quieter.

If the tophat is tight, try and decipher if this occurs only after a fresh fill . The only time either of mine has ever gone “clunk” was when I first got the Condor and tried to fill to 3000psi,and anytime I try to use my Condor tank in the SS above 2700 psi.


Can you post a pict of your top hat? Maybe it will help diagnose the problem

The Frame Extender is coming from Bulls-Eye Bill. I ordered the one for the SS Frame with an 18″ barrel.

As for the possible TOPHAT problem, what are my options. My mechanical aptitude is at best……….Questionable 😥 I live within about 50 miles of Straightshooters (straightshooters.com), but am not sure if they take on repair services.


I had the same clunk sound in my Condor….

right before it went tits up. Tophat had come loose on it. Also found out that I had a burr in my frame on it. Might want to check the tophat grub screws. Also would be a good idea to take the hammer, etc out and ensure that all is sliding smoothly.

Edit…. not quite as bad as it sounded. Didnt exactly go tits up on me… just a loose tophat… killed the session for that day, though. 👿


How you go about modifying the frame extension all depends on which one you are getting. But most guys can do the mod with a visit to Home Depot.

The clunk sound in your gun is a mystery. What else can you tell us about it?

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