
Question about hill pumps

What kind of adapters would I need to use a hill pump with an airforce gun, and for a career 707 II. I know I ask alot of questions so I appreciate your guys patience.

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Number 2 is 1/8″ and matches up with the 1/8″ fitting on that AF adapter based on the description on the webpage.

Just as an FYI – Number 1 is a 1/4″ and would work with this AF Fill adapter with its 1/4″ to 1/8″ reducer (the silver bit) removed….


Alright guys, thanks I appreciate it.

YN is right on….

In addition for the career you will need this adapater as well. This is the part everyone forgets and then starts swearing Pyramid did not tell them they needed.


And you want everything to hook up kinda like this…

And use the foster quick dissconects on a set up like this….

If you have both those guns and want an easy way to fill them, you’ll probably want a quick connect (QC) setup which lets you easily change the fill “probe” that goes into the gun/air tank.

You’ll need a female Foster QC to screw onto the pump’s hose –


Then you’ll want a male foster QC for each gun probe you have


You’ll screw one of the Male QC’s to a Career Adapter –


And another one onto an AF adapter –


This will allow you to easily and quickly change between filling different guns. The guns should come with the fill probe /fill adapter and the pump should come with a hose so you will likely just need two male and 1 female QC.

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