
Pyramidair are P*%&&$G me off !!!

First of all.. I return a B Square mount that they claim was designed for the Webley patriot… but it isnt wide enough so doesnt sit low to the receiver and fully allow the cross slots to mesh with the recess in the receiver, it’s too high so only a small part of it engages and this actually caused the recess to deform slightly after just 20 shots…..

I return it as defective for an exchange for a more suitable mount. They call and say I have to pay shipping for the new mount as they do not see it was a return for not being as described “Your the only one to complain”, so to them I just decided to get another mount for no particular reason and wanted to spend another $20 on S&H both ways……. ok… whatever. (I did send them a very polite letter explaining my concerns which I guess they choose to ignore).

Then last night I’m browsing the net at work and figure I’ll buy a soft case for the 410. I have a hard case, but want something that isnt quite as bulky for certain occasions. I check the Pyramid site and they say the 410E Side Lever is 39.75″ overall length.

I see a decent 40″ case that matches up with what I’m looking for and check with the seller if a 40″ gun will fit, or is that the outside length – I get a prompt reply that a 40″ gun will fit as it is 42″ outside and the inside is just over 40″.. I think I’m all set so I order that case for $60.

I get home and measure the gun, just to make sure, not thinking there was going to be an issue…. and the damn thing isnt even just a few inches off, its more than 44″ long. If they had of said 40″ I could have accepted an inch or two either way, but when you see 39.75″ then you kinda expect 1/4″ accuracy, to be more than 4″ LONGER than that is just ridiculous !

Shame on me I guess, I should have waited until I could measure it myself. I was wrong to have an expectation of some kind of professionalism. I even passed over a 46″ long guncase thinking it was a bit too long.

Oh well, seems my SS is going to have a really nice Molle soft gun case and I’ll probably end up ordering a remington 700 case for the 410E.

I’m not going spit out my dummy and quit ordering from Pyramid or tell anyone who will listen that they suck, because they dont, mistakes and shit happens. But I’ve been singing their praises and like someone else said, praise is worthless when thats all there is.

Other Guns

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Gaylord’s 2 cents on the poor fitting of a mount… coincidence that he used a Kodiak (Patriot) and a B Square mount as an example.


No worries Ninj…….. I just called her and told her you ARE the owner. She told me I’ll have to pay an additional 20% on my orders now ’cause I’m a friend of yours. 😥

Me and you not friend no more. 😛 😛


Steve in LA pm’ed me right after I posted this originally and urged me to contact the sales manager at Pyramid because he had mentioned it to her when he happened to be calling them on another issue and they checked the forum and my thread and said they would like to speak with me and make this right.

I put off calling…. I really didnt relish calling them up as I was expecting to have to spend ages explaining the situation and them still probably not know what I was talking about…

Well Steve kept nagging so I finally gave in and ran out of reasons not too and called this morning and as soon as I said “Hi, Steve &*(*&% told me to……” The manager knew who I was and exactly what the call was about. Great start, she apologised for the handling of the return and refunded me the shipping charge I paid for the replacement mount which I felt was better suited to the task which she said was an error and I should never have been charged in the first place.

PLUS I’ll get 10% combined with free shipping on my next order,.

I believe good communication can solve most problems and I did try and resolve this first by speaking to the sales rep, and then again by enclosing a picture and written description of the issue with the return before I posted…. So I dont think I jumped the gun with my original complaint – They had another chance to make it right thanks to Steve and they did.

So if anyone has an issue with a purchase at Pyramid, dont give up on them. Ask to speak with Sharon the sales manager if you dont have any luck with customer service and she’ll do what she can for you to make it right (within reason obviously…).

Manager also asked if this site was mine, as she really liked it…… I guess she missed the Tom Gaylord thread’s.. 😳

You’re right, the turn around time thing is a drag.

You guys are a good group. Thanks for putting up with me.

I had a kinda sorta similar experience recently. My brother is big into airsoft, and he was looking at some gun that came with a scope. When he added it to the cart, I noticed that the scope said it had 11mm dovetail rails. The gun had pictinary rails. So, I sent them an email asking about it. They said “the gun comes with the right scope, everything will fit fine” I went and checked again, and they had switched the scope to the other one with pictinary rings. So, at least they did something about it, even if they did play it off like it was never wrong.

Thanks Steve, I’ll bear that in mind.

I understand how the mistake happened, but its still very frustrating when it happens to you, when you know its not only extra $, but its going to be 1 or 2 weeks to put righ because of the transit time for the replacements.

I’ve had good customer service experiences with them, and if Pyramid stock it, I’m sure my next gun will be from them.

I just like to vent… otherwise I’ll explode and Adam will have to start bullying me again if that happens.

I too have had problems with Pyramid but they have been very good to me. The customer service manager is Sharon at extension 228. She has been very good to me. They post information that is direct from the manufacturer, and info that they themselves have checked first hand. The problem is that they carry so many things that they can’t possibly know everything about everything. The good thing about Pyramid, is that they carry so many things that they can give us a better deal, (sometimes). When I have called something to their attention, they have checked it out and changed the info on the website. Sharon is very responsive and can do things that the other sales people are not authorized to do, (like motivate others to check out your concerns and take the appropriate action in a timely fashion, or help you with shipping).

No, they didn’t pay me to say that.

That sucks bad 🙁 . I always cross reference Pyramyd with other sites just to make sure my order will be right, like some pellet weights are all missed up. Thanks for the Info. Ninja and pass it on to others, for someone will make the same mistake.

Oh ya, be careful. When I bought a Career III300 from them they had the wrong picture. I sent them 3 emails telling them they had the wrong picture. They kept responding they did not understand what was wrong. I finally had to say to have someone go in the back and open a Career III 300 and bring it to the computer screen and compare it…duh!

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