
Polyagonal versus 12 groove rifling

I am fixing to order a new LW barrel in 25 for my next project… ANy thought on the polyagonal versus 12 groove rifling as far as accuracy..I believe the poly barrel is not choked as shown on the LW website…I have shot alot of un-choked barrels the are just as accurate as choked…I just not sure about the poly rifling…I know my glock and a custom 308 I built are tack drivers..


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i think we have been over this before

the poly i got from LW was chocked just like the normal rifles ones…

precision is about the same IMHO, the poly in my tests was ever so slightly faster….nothing i would concern my self about

i would get what ever LW has in stock, check out mac1 he sells HW barrels which are cheaper but just as good as the LW barrels(if not better)

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