POI shift by breech plug
I was just reading this thread about tophat clearance possibly causing POI shift
I think I have found a cause of POI shift in my Condor that I overlooked before.
My tophat is still at the factory setting of 0.093″, and when I close the breech plug and lock the plug to the left, my POI shifts to the left. If I lock the plug to the right, the POI shifts to the right. I have found that my breech knob rubs on the frame when I lock the breech plug, similar to camming a bolt action shut, and seems to impart some sideways force on the breech of the barrel.
I did some testing today, and found if I do not rotate the breech plug to lock it, my group sizes got very small with no flyers.
I shot this way with my chronograph, and saw very little variation in FPS. I checked to see if my breech plug was blown foreward after the shot and it was not. It seems to me, that locking the breech plug is unecessary.
I have developed a habit of just pulling the plug knob straight back onto the tophat just before releasing the safety. Shot after shot, velocity was very similar, and the accuracy of my gun has increased greatly.
I have been having great consistency with my tophat set like this, and using rubber washers to limit tophat travel giving me excellent shot to shot velocity. So I dont want to mess with the tophat setting. I figure if it works for me I wont mess with it.
Just thought yall might want to hear about it though. Could possibly be causing others similar problems.
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Had no problems today with POI changes left, right or center. I do have play from the tophat to the lockout position, so i know i’m not binding or misaligned. All shooting was done from a bipod, benched to chrony my 18″ with Sean’s valve. Only had 2500psi but still got good numbers well over 900, into the 950’s and no POI changes what so ever. Indoor shooting so its not like i’m out shooting at 40+yds either. 10yds is more like it, but i was stacking them 1 on top of another.