
Open Web-based Bench-Rest Shooting Competition

Here is our local 50 meters web-based Open Benchrest Shooting Competition, makes normal shooting little more interesting or drives you crazy (Glossary: pienin=smallest, keskiarvo=average, ulkorata=outdoor, sisällä=indoor, jousi=springer, avotähtäin /at=open sight):

We do have same competition for 25 meters, because many people have no possibility shoot 50 meter range, rules are same (pienin=smallest, keskiarvo=average, ulkorata=outdoor, sisällä=indoor):

Smallest 5 shot groups for 50 meter (group size/mm-gun-pellet-shooter):

Average results for 3 x 5 shots for 50 meter (group size/mm-gun-pellet-shooter):

In case if someone wants to report his/her results, registration needed, it happens same way than to this forum, you can compare both registration=rekisteröidy sides and fill forms like you have done earlier.

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You can always put your own competition on this forum, and we can link it to our forum.

I’d like to continu the invitation from Tunajussi.

The best result for 50m is 12,5mm average group size for 3×5 gourps.
Thats pretty good, as I can see. Unfortunately not shot by me.

Please, join our competition and give us some perspective to compare results, if you abel to do it 😆
If you are not able to shoot that good, come on and join, not all results are like the best one.
The challenge is given now and you can give your answer.

If registration feels too difficult just drop me a private message and I can help you or post results for you.

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