
Ok, before I tear my Airforce pump apart…

…can anyone tell me which part of the pump is responsible for letting air in?

The pump has started to act up, and once Im up to 2000+ PSI it takes 2 or more upward pulls on the pump to get it to charge with air.

I really have no idea what to look for inside the pump, so if anybody had an idea of where to start?.. please do tell.

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How long did you have your pump before
it malfunctioned?
I am considering purchasing an airforce pump
and was just wondering.

I will try that spinj, thanks.

You probabaly don’t want to tear it up just yet. I have an Airforce pump too and I had that same problem before. But all I did was lubricate the shaft with diver’s silicone grease and it turned out all good. Perhaps the (black) lube on yours is all dried up.

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