
New to the TAG!

Hi Everyone

I bought my .22 Talon SS a few years ago and was a lurking member of the TOG. I haven’t shot it in a while and just recently pulled it out. I went to the TOG but, see it is gone now so I started searching around and found this place. 🙂

I JUST installed a 24″ barrel so I guess it’s kinda like a Talon now and it’s LOUD!!! 😯 I guess I knew it would be LOUD but, I wanted more power so you know how that goes. I think I’ll build a LDC for it since it’s not neighbor friendly anymore.

I’ve read quite a bit on here already and will probably be doing some small tune things to my gun but, for the most part this one will be done with the longer barrel and LDC. I think my next PCP will be a Benjamin Discovery. Looks like a nice simple gun. 🙂

Here is a picture of some Barracudas unshot, at half PW setting, and full PW setting, shot into a large catalog.




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quote airtight_python:

I can vouche that Adam’s buttplates do make shouldering the gun much more comfortable and consistent. I plan on sanding out maching marks and blackening mine somehow. You’ll gain a bit of pull length so just move the scope back about an inch or so for eye relief.

You might want to try this out. Looks very tough. And does not cost to much. Although you might want to look around and get something in addition due to their $10 shipping.


I can vouche that Adam’s buttplates do make shouldering the gun much more comfortable and consistent. I plan on sanding out maching marks and blackening mine somehow. You’ll gain a bit of pull length so just move the scope back about an inch or so for eye relief.

quote XLR8NSS:

Well, I have decided that I am going to buy a new gun. I got hooked again on the power craze and I realized that I don’t really need a monster gun to do what I do(plinking and light hunting). The Talon SS could fill that spot easily but, I realized once I started shooting it again that it is somewhat uncomfortable for me to shoot. I think it’s the fact that you have to really press into the bottle to get a nice look through the scope. I prefer the more classic rifles anyway so that is what I’m looking at now. The new gun will either be a AA S410 or a HW 100S.

I’ll probably end up selling the Talon SS and 24″ barrel but, haven’t really made up my mind yet.

I’ll definitely post up with whatever I end up with.

You need one of these…It allows for height adjustment and offset to one side. You can shoulder the gun rather easily with it on.

Well, I have decided that I am going to buy a new gun. I got hooked again on the power craze and I realized that I don’t really need a monster gun to do what I do(plinking and light hunting). The Talon SS could fill that spot easily but, I realized once I started shooting it again that it is somewhat uncomfortable for me to shoot. I think it’s the fact that you have to really press into the bottle to get a nice look through the scope. I prefer the more classic rifles anyway so that is what I’m looking at now. The new gun will either be a AA S410 or a HW 100S.

I’ll probably end up selling the Talon SS and 24″ barrel but, haven’t really made up my mind yet.

I’ll definitely post up with whatever I end up with.

Welcome John 😀
Welcome to The TAF World.

Welcome to the TAG XLR! it’s fairly easy to quiet down the 24″ I recently made up one using a tube from a curtain/shower curtain rod(WalMart for like $4-$5.00) that JUST fit into the frame with 2 wraps of clear tape to make it a press fit(keeps it aligned perfectly). I used some 1″ felt chairleg pad/floor protector things and a 1″ metal washer to burn holes in the felt(soldering iron). I had some tuff cardboard tubing that just fit into the tube to space them out a little. They have sticky tape on them so I stuck 2 together for the first one to keep it from getting cockeyed in the tube, pushed it in, 1″ cardboard, another felt, tube, felt, tube and 2 more stuck together for an “endcap”, A little tape on the end and it looks OK and works GREAT. Needs painted black as it’s a white rod…the felt is a tough push fit and has stayed in place for several 100 or maybe 1,000 shots now. Oh yea use the endcap screw tightened lightly to hold the tube in place.

Good choice on the .25 it is a hammer 😈


quote XLR8NSS:

Well, I just put a pre-order on a Benjamin Discovery. The reviews I’ve seen make it look like a good general plinker/hunter. I do most of my shooting within 50-60 yrds so it should be good for that. Will just have to figure out some sorta shroud/mod for that also. 🙂

I think I’m gonna sell the 24″ .22 barrel for the Talon and get a 24″ .25 barrel and set it up for somewhere in the 50-60 fpe range. If it’s gonna be a beast might as well do it up right. 😀 😆

Sounds like a plan. Let us know how that Discovery is when you get it.

Well, I just put a pre-order on a Benjamin Discovery. The reviews I’ve seen make it look like a good general plinker/hunter. I do most of my shooting within 50-60 yrds so it should be good for that. Will just have to figure out some sorta shroud/mod for that also. 🙂

I think I’m gonna sell the 24″ .22 barrel for the Talon and get a 24″ .25 barrel and set it up for somewhere in the 50-60 fpe range. If it’s gonna be a beast might as well do it up right. 😀 😆

I just got the Condor man. It was used but as far as I know no valve or spring mods were done. I’m still learning here myself.

If you’d really like to wake up that Talon a blodnob valve is pretty much the way to go. From what I hear its possible to get Eun Jins doing about 100 ft. lbs. Of course you know a Talon can pretty much be made a Condor and vise versa.

Hey Bud

I remember you referring me to TOG a while back on PT. I thought I posted on PT about my Talon SS but, can’t seem to find the post and I couldn’t remember your username either. 🙁 Took me a bit of searching with Google to find this place. 😀 Thanks for originally turning me on to these sites…………I guess. 😯 😆

I’ve been reading up on things again for a little bit now trying to figure out the best strategy. I think I am going to do a valve mod now and I guess I really “need” a chrony to help get it tuned in. 😆

So it should look like this. From what I’ve been reading the following should put it in the 40 lb-ft area?

– .22 Talon SS with 24″ barrel
– Stock valve mod
– tophat tuned
– Hammer slap mod
– New buttplate (WalkonKing maybe, need to search some on that)

Python – That is cracking along pretty good. What have you done to yours so far or is that stock. 😯

XLR8NSS – what up bro! I’m the dude from PT.net that originally referred you to the TOG.

Welcome back, and get to busy with that Talon. I finally picked myself up a Condor. I chronied it for the first time yesterday and it does about 70 ft. lbs. with 28 gr. Eun Jins!

quote XLR8NSS:

Thanks for the welcome guys. I really don’t want to mod my Talon SS too much so this place is kinda bad seeing all the different ways folks have modded their guns. 😯

I really just need to quiet this thing back down again. The unshrouded 24″ barrel is kinda loud. HAHA! I have some ideas for that but, just need to find some time to get workin’ on them.

Only other thing is maybe a new buttpad as the stock one doesn’t work very well. I think the unfinished custom buttpad pics that were posted in here gave me the idea. 😉

I would just have Adam aka WalkonKing hook you up with a buutpad. His new setup is sweet.

Thanks for the welcome guys. I really don’t want to mod my Talon SS too much so this place is kinda bad seeing all the different ways folks have modded their guns. 😯

I really just need to quiet this thing back down again. The unshrouded 24″ barrel is kinda loud. HAHA! I have some ideas for that but, just need to find some time to get workin’ on them.

Only other thing is maybe a new buttpad as the stock one doesn’t work very well. I think the unfinished custom buttpad pics that were posted in here gave me the idea. 😉

Adam…… Rob…… It’s TAF!!! 😛 😛

quote rob3dr:

Welcome to the TAG… lots of great folks here and only a few troublemakers 😆

Doing to many things at one time…LOL

I moved it where it belongs.

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