
New Pimped Talon SS ready for Urban Safari

Hey Guys,

Here is my new Talon ready for some night time Safari action here on the Snody Ranch.


Talon/Talon SS

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Mike, Let me know how the Breach works out! That and the barrel being move back.

May-be you need to make uh-three of those breaches??

While I’m thinking about it, I’m wondering if the extra weight will deaden the hammer blow enough to effect velocity. Some I suspect. However, sever people are making them out of brass which is much heavier. I have heard of several people setting the bbl’s. back. Does this help?

Mike and Manuela

quote knifemaker:

A big Happy Texas Size Birth Day there Ultra!!! From Manuela Too!!!

Mike, here is the mod I did tho the rear of the brass retainer. ( I use to port a lot of drag race cylinder heads). it looks large all the way through. But it’s an optical allusion. It is tapered for velocity increase.


That reversed Chery Red Mag. Light is a little wild!!! In typical Snody fashion! Haa!!!

I’m getting way too much noise form the breach end. and I can feel some blow by. I’m wondering if 90 doromet “O” rings would help or just what would do the trick.


That looks trick and slick.

Yeah, I have the same issue regarding the breech.

I am going to make Ultrareef and I custom breechs from Titanium.

I think I am going to move my barrel back as well.

I am trying to get this gun really, really quiet.

Have a good one!!

A big Happy Texas Size Birth Day there Ultra!!! From Manuela Too!!!

Mike, here is the mod I did tho the rear of the brass retainer. ( I use to port a lot of drag race cylinder heads). it looks large all the way through. But it’s an optical allusion. It is tapered for velocity increase.


That reversed Chery Red Mag. Light is a little wild!!! In typical Snody fashion! Haa!!!

I’m getting way too much noise form the breach end. and I can feel some blow by. I’m wondering if 90 doromet “O” rings would help or just what would do the trick.


Man, what a great job! Thanks for taking time to quieten down my rig. Today’s my b-day, what a great present!!! 🙂 🙂

Looking forward to the next mod and to adding my light, bipod and sling. 🙂 🙂

quote knifemaker:

Hell Adam We already have the Cult.

Hey Mike!!! And Ultra reef Too! Glad to see you guys here!!!

That Camo looks bad ass Mike!

Man, I’m loving my Modded SS with a 18″‘er in it!
Nothing’ s safe around here! Haa! Two more squirrels, and another opossum. And something I won’t mention. Hee! This thing kicks butt. Still cant find anywhere to fill a cf tank to 4500 psi though!

OK. Enough screwing off. Back to the shop!


Thanks Mike!!

Yeah, I am hooked!!

Making them quiet is the goal now.

Here is some work from today!

You know how we roll!

quote Bodhisdad:

I’d agree in modding the valve, nothing like getting another 100+fps and still maintaining the compact, carbine dimension. It brings 16g pellets up to there optimum velocity, and 21g Kodiaks to 830fps or 32fpe. I was getting a 20 shot avg. of 807fps with Kodiaks after the valve mod and polishing the inside of the frame which added another 15/20fps, every little bit adds up. If you follow the directions layed out by Mikemv & Robert in the reference area you’ll have a 30+fpe AG vs. a 25fpe AG. Its important to do the work on the brass retainer as drilling out the stem only gets you part way there. Just opening up the stem will add some increase in velocity much bigger gains will be had from the work on the spring retainer. I drilled it out with a 1/4″ bit then counter sunk with 3/8″ and then 1/2″ bits to create a funnel like opening for the air to flow more freely when the valve is opened. CygnusX gets the credit for this. In its stock configuration the retainer is flat on the bottom with a 7/32″ bore. Another note is to oval out the port holes in the bottom of the stem as well. I used a 1/8″ bit for both the stems main bore and its port holes on the bottom. Then i used a conical diamond dremel bit and ovaled the port holes as well opening them up a bit more to accomodate the increase in air flow. The last thing you have to do after that, is find the sweet spot of the top hats spacing from the valve base. It can be anywhere from .071-.067 the later being where i found mine to give the best power with a loss of 2fps per shot. This is the single best mod that can be done to the Talon/SS platform in my opinion. It yielded me what i was looking for, which was more power with little sacrafice.

Thanks Man!!

Great Information, I appreciate it.

I’d agree in modding the valve, nothing like getting another 100+fps and still maintaining the compact, carbine dimension. It brings 16g pellets up to there optimum velocity, and 21g Kodiaks to 830fps or 32fpe. I was getting a 20 shot avg. of 807fps with Kodiaks after the valve mod and polishing the inside of the frame which added another 15/20fps, every little bit adds up. If you follow the directions layed out by Mikemv & Robert in the reference area you’ll have a 30+fpe AG vs. a 25fpe AG. Its important to do the work on the brass retainer as drilling out the stem only gets you part way there. Just opening up the stem will add some increase in velocity much bigger gains will be had from the work on the spring retainer. I drilled it out with a 1/4″ bit then counter sunk with 3/8″ and then 1/2″ bits to create a funnel like opening for the air to flow more freely when the valve is opened. CygnusX gets the credit for this. In its stock configuration the retainer is flat on the bottom with a 7/32″ bore. Another note is to oval out the port holes in the bottom of the stem as well. I used a 1/8″ bit for both the stems main bore and its port holes on the bottom. Then i used a conical diamond dremel bit and ovaled the port holes as well opening them up a bit more to accomodate the increase in air flow. The last thing you have to do after that, is find the sweet spot of the top hats spacing from the valve base. It can be anywhere from .071-.067 the later being where i found mine to give the best power with a loss of 2fps per shot. This is the single best mod that can be done to the Talon/SS platform in my opinion. It yielded me what i was looking for, which was more power with little sacrafice.

Just wait until you hot-rod the valve in that SS. man, these things rock!!! Can’t get it to bump fire though.

Mike and Manuela

quote knifemaker:

Hell Adam We already have the Cult.

Hey Mike!!! And Ultra reef Too! Glad to see you guys here!!!

That Camo looks bad ass Mike!

Man, I’m loving my Modded SS with a 18″‘er in it!
Nothing’ s safe around here! Haa! Two more squirrels, and another opossum. And something I won’t mention. Hee! This thing kicks butt. Still cant find anywhere to fill a cf tank to 4500 psi though!

OK. Enough screwing off. Back to the shop!


Thanks for the warm welcome!! Yea the Cult is going strong. We need to get together sometime so you can bump fire my LMT AR15 again. 😉

Snody’s got me all messed up with these Talon Airguns….I just got mine yesterday and am soooo ready for him to pimp it, Snody Style. 8)

BTW, Mike’s Light is a Surefire M4 and has a 2.5″ Bezel. http://www.surefire.com/maxexp/main/co_disp/displ/prrfnbr/414/sesent/00

Hey Mike. What light you got on there? I just picked up a Stinger HD with a 60 MM bell on the lenz. Thinking of mounting it on the SS. It has a 30 mm tube. Just wondering if a high mount set of 30 mm rings would work. What is the Dia. of the lenz housing of the light on your rig?


Hell Adam We already have the Cult.

Hey Mike!!! And Ultra reef Too! Glad to see you guys here!!!

That Camo looks bad ass Mike!

Man, I’m loving my Modded SS with a 18″‘er in it!
Nothing’ s safe around here! Haa! Two more squirrels, and another opossum. And something I won’t mention. Hee! This thing kicks butt. Still cant find anywhere to fill a cf tank to 4500 psi though!

OK. Enough screwing off. Back to the shop!


It shoots as good as it looks!! Great job Mike!! Can’t wait to go on Safari. 🙂

quote Snody:

quote Nuglor:

What part of S. TX. are you in? Galveston, Corpus, Port A?

Hey Neighbor,

I am down here on the Third Coast, CCT.

Corpus Christi.

I’ll be in Corpus this weekend for an overnighter on the Lexington. To bad they won’t let me bring my Condor onboard. I could take care of a few Seagulls for them! 😈 😈 😈

quote buster:

wheres the gun ❓ all i see is a tree 😆
nice paint job

Great Post!

Thats all the rapid Possums and 6 pound rats will see as well.

Have a Great Day!!!!

Nice! Nice!

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