
New parts, questions AF did not answer. Need some help.

I just got a box of new parts.

Spare bottle with new hi-flo valve. (Old bottle is now a test bed).

New very thin 19.21gm striker with no reduction in diameter, so the spring does not attach to it so I assume it just lays in front of the spring. This feels denser than aluminum, but lighter than delrin.

Thin neoprene washer. AF said this goes between the PW adjuster and the barrel bushing.

New aluminum barrel bushings to replace the stock delrin bushings. ( I guess my barrel/gun is an older one). These are a full 0.015″ larger than the delrin ones, and fit my frame perfectly, I cant wait to try them.


I have been searching for info on this new, lighter striker weight, specifically how to attach it to the spring. Do you just put it in front of the spring and let it slap around in there?
I do not have the original stock striker, mines a longer 30gm brass one that is gripped by the spring.

This little neoprene washer. Is AF right? Do I put this between the barrel bushing and the power adjuster?

The old delrin bushings, how do you remove these without damaging anything? I would prefer to re-use these for another project.

Thank you for your time.

Airforce Rifles/Pistols

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quote dnc:

If I am not mistaken, the striker goes between the spring and the hammer. It will fit tightly and not move around.

Yes, that is where I installed it. But it shortens the length of the striker/hammer assembly by about .25″ and there is no reduced diameter for the spring to grip.

Seems to be working though.

If I am not mistaken, the striker goes between the spring and the hammer. It will fit tightly and not move around.

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