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What to say? Well, I live in West TX. I’m currently in college majoring in Mechanical Engineering and very poor. Something most college students seem to have in common. I happened to be at the local sporting goods store while looking for another .308. I stumbled upon a Gamo Hunter mostly to rid of any unwanted pests around the house and 20 acres of desert . Mostly flying rats, crows, cotton tails and the rather large Jack rabbits we have out here in the desert as well as the occasional plinking. Being as “forum” orientated as I have throughout the years, I figured I’d hop on yet another. I came across this site through GTA International Forum. Yep, I clicked on the PCP Darksiders section, ever since, I’ve been hooked and can’t seem to get enough. While I don’t currently own an Airforce air gun nor do I have the funds to do so, I seem to want one more and more with every visit to the site. I’ve gone as far wanting to sell my PS3 in favor for a .25 condor. Whether I can muster up enough money to do so, who knows? Though I’ll continue to read and research till the day I can afford one.

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I would think about keeping the ps3 and finding another source of funds. Aside from a fun game system its an excellent blu ray disc player if you’re into movies at all. It even plays standard discs better than my other sony DVD player.
That being said given the shooting possibilities you have at your disposal, the AF might provide more fun.

Yeah. That is, until you get larger animals, and/or waaay out there.

Of course, some of the bigger airguns will take down big animals. So, long range is the only thing firearms have over airguns. Plus, firearms have the handicap of power. A 500 fpe airgun takes a very well placed shot to kill a deer. If you can make that shot, then it’s not a problem. But, several thousand fpe makes it so you have a larger area you can hit and still drop it.

Kind of like the difference between bow hunting and firearm hunting.

Even though I enjoy shooting high quality firearms, the satisfaction from taking down small game with an airgun out to 100 yards is uncomparably greater.
Think about this: in most situations we encounter, the most suitable weapon to get the job done is an air rifle.

I too enjoy my “powder burners” especially my R700 .308 and Savage 111F .30-06. I happen to live about 20 miles outside of the city on 20 acres of land 5 miles away from the mountains. When I’ve got time off from school I frequent the range out in the mountains behind me. It all comes down to whether I can “pull the trigger” and sell the PS3, very hard decision.

im really into video games too. I want to create a super hero called Vortex. His weapon of choice is a shape shifting liquid metal air gun powered by his ability to manipulate the air!

When he flips and jumps it’s effortless 🙂

I enjoy the Airforce Condor because it’s similar to a video game weapon. Upgrades and modifications are always fun, especially fancy optics and various pellets and calibers.

I am gonna sell my 360 to get a shroud, barrel and high flow valve. Should be worth it! 😀

I sold my 360 to fund real weaponry. I’m like you, I used to love to play video games all day long. Now, I’ll play them on occasion, but I’d much much much rather pick up a real gun and go shoot it. Real gun being a powderburner or airgun. Games just haven’t began to put in the real physics of weaponry. Plus, no sense having a “next-gen” system collecting dust like mine was.

Sell the ps3, get a condor. It’s worth it!



Evil; I’m am ME and a few other things too. I’m a long time air gunner as well as a long range, high power powder burner fanatic. I’m happy with my AirForce rifles. I started with a .22 Condor and now own a .22 Talon and a .25 Talon/Condor hybrid.

While these rifles don’t reach out to ranges that my powder burners achieve, they have uses that make them indispenable. Highly recommended! AKULA

mechanical engineers represent

woot woot


As much as I hate to say it, my PS3 has already bored me within the few months of owning it. I just can’t seem to find the time to sit on my ass for hours upon hours of gaming as I did when I was younger. Maybe I can finally bring myself into selling it. As for new innovations, I’ll try my darndest to further improve on an already exquisite weapon, though a guarantee is not promised.


Once you’ve joined the Dark Side the PS3 will seem boring.
As you have discovered this place is contagious.
As a Mechanical Engineer we’ll be expecting new innovations from you.


I think it is time for you to get rid of that PS3! you just gave me a great idea btw.

Welcome to the forum 8)

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