
New KickAss Benjamin Sheridan?

Did you see this, guys? I wonder if this thing would be as powerful as Patriots. Not sure about the quality though. If it shoots light .22 at 1100 fps, I bet Kodiaks will be going at least 850 – 900. Is this like the first springer they made, or not?


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It will be great to see some reports on that bad boy.

I was just curious about overall quality of them. A review of it would be nice. Still, if it will shoot a Kodiak at 800 fps, that would be a one powerfull springer. You know that Patriots and Eliminators are relatevely accurate for the given power. But again, my TX 200 would be ten times more accurate at 16.5 fpe, no doubt.

speeed its what the uninformed people want….1100 fps…wow same as a .22lr….or so they think

its sad……. but the way it is

Not too terribly excited about it… high velocity spring and light weight = hard to shoot…

I seriously doubt it’s going to send normal weight pellets much past 800fps anyways… seems everyone is jumping on the Gamo velocity hype.

I’ll pass…….. and this coming from someone who LOVES springers.

I think Josh from Crosman said they were made at their Remington airgun factory in China.

We are still waiting for the first reports to come in.

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