
New Condor Valve Chart

The info was posted by Martin77 and the chart was made by Airtramp

Thanks Guys

Airforce Rifles/Pistols

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stock condor/talon/talonss hammer is 46 to 48 grams. Condor spacer is 19 to 20 grams.

I am new to the forums, and I am still saving pennies to buy my Condor.

There was another post reguarding heavy aftermarket hammers damaging the rifle.

How are you able to use a much heavier hammer without damaging the rifle?

I’m not planning to mod the rifle for more power (when I get mine), just curious.

BTW, I WILL be adding your Trigger guard – VERY NICE!

John R

Wok, I can’t find the pic that shows a Talon valve beside a Condor valve. Will you post it here or in Q.R. please?


I don’t know. One of the guys will though.

Hey walkonking,what is the weight of the production hammer for condor? I assume it is the smaller one…

Hi. I am new to this great forum. I did some shot strings over the last week and thought someone might find them usefull. I am still getting my head around it.

Strieyder (Noob)

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