
My target board(s)

I shoot from inside my living room so max distance is about 7 yards. The .25 Tony built will go clean thru 3 pieces of this 3/4″ thick concrete form plywood and the pellet will stick in the wall. If I take numerous shots the pellets start to bore a hole in the CMU. I had to put a fourth piece of plywood up because I was damaging the wall. Check this out……. 8)

Airforce Rifles/Pistols

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I have to agree with you. That stuff is old and seen better days. It’s been there for a couple years. I will cut up some new stuff when I get rid of this flu , and work settles down.


…another reason to be single! Shooting a Condor inside the house! haha

Sorry DH, that is not plywood, it is decaying rotten water logged wood composite. I could pee through that stuff!!! 😆

I bet that sucker could go through a 4×4 with ease!!! Hell, get rid of the ‘wood’ and go through the cinder block wall!!! 😈

Your taking it easy on us, lets see some real Condor power!!! 😉

harry….. in this pic –

Did tony do the “TV remote” mod on that?

quote dirty harry:

Yes…. I have seen the pictures of CX’s backstop in his basement. It leads me to believe that he is either Crazy, or just not Well. 🙂 I’m more concerned that you and him hang out together regularly. Who’s the book of matches…Who’s the Gasoline? 8)


I may as well make it public… me and cygnusx live together… were homosexual and PROUD of it…

(and I’m the pitcher…..)

Note to TAF: That was “SHADOH” who took the pictures.

Yes…. I have seen the pictures of CX’s backstop in his basement. It leads me to believe that he is either Crazy, or just not Well. 🙂 I’m more concerned that you and him hang out together regularly. Who’s the book of matches…Who’s the Gasoline? 8)


Reminds me of cygnusx’s basement… he ended up having to put up a peice of 3/4 sheet metal that he “found”….

I cant talk.. I put a hole through our brand new alumin door the first day I had the condor… 1 Cabela’s magazine wasnt enough, who knew 😯

Thanks for thr pics better rethink my back stop before my condor gets here. 🙄

7 yards, holy Cow Harry your going to pop through that wall. Maybe a steel plate with the wood is more in order….LOL

Bad Neighbor!

Get some 3/4″ MDF and put it at a 45 degree angle and see if it will go through that.

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