
My s410 magazine acting up…

This just started happening today. I go to pull the lever back to cock the gun… the gun cocks, push the lever forward, and take my shot.

Sometimes no pellet comes out, just a dry fire. I found that every now and then, the mag won’t index to the next round. I know I filled it up with the full 10 pellets. About 5 times today, I had to take the mag out, and index it to the next shot by hand, and put it back in. Am I just not pulling the lever back quite far enough or something? I figure if I pull it back far enough for the gun to cock, this shouldn’t be happening? 😯

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So I did more targets yesterday, and found that the mag wouldn’t index up to 2 times per clip, seemed it was getting worse. I just kept shooting anyways, and it stopped doing it. I did about 5 clips today…. no problems! I’m almost reluctant to write this since it may start again, but so far, so good, maybe whatever was in there messing things up came loose, fell out, whatever. I love it when things seem to fix themselves. That doesn’t happen nearly enough… 😛

EDIT: I did notice that the screw was loose that holds the yellow plastic face in place, it seems when I tightened it, it got better. Wondering if that would be it. And I’ve heard of those RC machine clips, I believe that’s the next purchase. I understand they’re a good upgrade from the stock ones.

Thanks for the ideas… I shot some more the other day, it still does it sometimes even though I’m now making a effort to pull the lever all the way back, so it’s something else. It does look clean, see no dirt, lint, ect. I just got this gun, maybe 2000 rounds tops thru it. Crap. Guess I’ll be looking at the other possibilties posted here, hopefully get it sorted soon.

I had the same problem sometime back,
Check the brass rod indexer,as the bent copper spring thing may be weakening,if it does it’l prob just brake off 🙄
Its a simple yet bad design (imho) but it should be an easy thing to replace,

JJ.. 😮

A couple things to check:

Look at the grooves in the magazine, the ones used for indexing. If they are worn or dug out, toss that magazine and get one from RC machine.

If not, next:

Use the magazine empty for this.

Pull lever back, look at magazine and see if it turns.
If not, check to see if it is all the way in the rifle. Hold the magazine in the rifle with your finger and cycle the lever again. If it cycles ok, the problem is most likely a dirty mag like Cygnus said, or the spring clip that holds the magazine in place may not be holding the mag tight. Check and see if something got wedged in there, just a piece of lint will do it.

If the mag is in good shape, all the way in, and it still wont cycle you may have bent the little spring arm that cycles the magazine. It may not be putting enough pressure on the magazine, and slips out of the grooves too soon. Bend it back at your own risk, its easy to do this wrong.

The good thing is, these rifles are REALLY EASY to work on. The mechanism that contains the spring to cycle the magazine is quite simple and easy to service. It may just need a cleaning.

either your not pulling the lever far enough backwards….or check to see if the mag gets pushed out just a little bit when cocking …. it can click back into place by it self sometimes.

if there sand or some other friction in the mag they like to push the mag out rather than index it….so make sure it moves freely

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