
My new MA2250XT

I had Roy at Mountain Air set this up for me and my kids call it the “Condor mini me” it’s in .22 with a RJ Machine high rise breech and carbon fiber shroud with Rick’s grips and it’s running off a 13ci 1200psi Regulator HPA tank with a machined Mac-1 PB/AS adaptor and the glass is a Banner 6-24×40 scope. This setup is shooting at 718.7fps Avg. with CP’s through a well setup 18″ Crosman barrel and it’s a fun gun to shoot. It will make a nice light weight hunting rig and with a 3000psi fill I can get 93 shots before it goes off the regulator

Before Pic

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This is how it looks when you shoot it. Also keep in mind that My model is short it can be held better.

Rob mine is on the hot side as fare as power with the 1200psi Reg. setup but the 800 and 1000psi Reg, tanks give out more shots but mine will do 109 shots with the tank press. at 1000psi and that’s when I see the biggest change in POI. I love shooting this gun and it’s really nice with just the tank resting on my collar bone and it’s my best off hand shooter with no need for a buttstock. I will post a pic on Sat. of how it looks shooting offhand. Also I still have the stock o-rings in the transfer tube and it’s holding up fine with 1200psi with no leaks Roy at MA wanted me to drop the press. down to 1000psi due to the o-rings but Crosman side the rings will be fine and I have spares if needed.

That was mainly what I was going to ask about, Photo… # of shots, reg size, etc. Very nice.

Do you find it to be solid with that tank coming out so far? Is it solid enough that you’d put a buttstock of sorts on it and use like a AF gun?

I’ve been toying with the idea of a 2250xt with a 13ci tank much like yours, though not near as fancy 😯

Very nice kit!

very nice buddy

I so have to make one of those now………………………….. 😈 :5 :4

Very Nice ! 😀


Very nice looking gun! I’ll bet its a bunch of fun.

This is for zombieheadhunter.

Thanks guys 😀 . Animal Mother his shrouds in 5/8″, 3/4″, 7/8″, and 1″ od Carbon Fiber Brass or Aluminum are $35.00 and Up and price will change on the length. Also keep in mind that the 24″ barrel will have 4 to 6″ of shroud longer and they work really good.

That is a great looking 2250. From the looks of the barrel seems like Roy from Mountain Air. Very ,very,very nice!!

TOO COOL 8) . Love the woodwork and cf shroud. Hard to beleive that was once a “lowly little crossman”

Super nice setup

Nice, I really like that carbon fiber shroud. If you don’t mind me asking how much does he charge for a shroud like that? Do you find it to be very effective? Reason I ask is because I was thinking of ordering a carbine from the crosman custom shop with a 24″ barrel.

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