My Hill Pump Experience
I spent the first 45 minutes dorking out. I thought the wheezing and farting noises being made by the pump were normal. I reread a post on the forum where Synopsys said that he got his tank up to 2000 psi with two 5 minute sessions. I realized that I was doing something wrong. I rechecked the fill hose, and it wasn’t screwed down tight enough on either side. As soon as I started pumping again the needle started to rise. I couldn’t believe how fast the tank filled. After the first 5 minute session I was up to 1000 psi. I let the pump cool for fifteen minutues and then pumped up to 2000 psi. At 2000 psi the hose started leaking again. I torqued the connection down again. I was worried about over tightening, but I didn’t think I had much choice. I finished filling the tank in two more sessions. The last five minutes were a bitch. Toward the end my wife started making suggestive jokes about the whole pumping up the tank thing. I kind of agreed with her on the look of the whole situation, but I couldn’t laugh and operate the pump at the same time. I was actually lifting my body off the ground pushing down on the handle. After I regained my composure, I began pumping again. It takes some technique. I attached the tank to the Condor and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. Up to now I had been using CO2 and I had the power wheel set to low. I turned the wheel up to 11 and pulled the trigger again. After months of reading about how loud the Condor was I expected a louder report. After the first couple of shots the Condor became louder, but still quiter than I was expecting it to be. I was however surprised at how loud the “tank ping” sounded.
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Oh, and how do you manage to not lose the o-ring that goes between the bottle and the adaptor? Does everyone that uses a pump just keep a couple spares?
Jim who is actually not quite as irritated as he sounds…it’s late and the kids aren’t in bed yet