
My first gun.. 2250

Here is my first gun, a modified 2250. Thanks to Mac1 Tim, and Greg Fuller, it’s come a long way since I first took it out of the box. 21″ barrel, Mac 1 bulk job, extended bolt probe, Valve work (more volume) and custom stem from Greg, stronger hammer spring, steel breach. Very strong and accurate, but loud.

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quote photo22:

WOW……I wish my first airgun looked like that. NICE!!!!! 🙂

Hey thanks, it really is a sweet little piece, and although I’m currently wrapped up with HPA and my new SS, I could never give this one up. First love kinda thing I figure.

ACULA, Don’t feel to deprived, I think at 8 years old my first gun either shot water, or caps… damn, now I feel I was deprived!

Saugus; At the age of eight I was gifted a Daisy pump for my birthday. My first gun. That was 1962. I thought the world of that BB gun. I killed mice and sparrows on the farm with the Daisy and truly enjoyed the little gun. I wore it out.

I do have to say that after seeing your ‘first gun’ that I must seek professional councelling as I now feel that I was deprived as a child so many years ago.

What a weapon! And what a start in air gunning! AKULA

WOW……I wish my first airgun looked like that. NICE!!!!! 🙂

Now i have to learn how to put more than one pic in one post…

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