
Modded Valve ,need help fast

Ok, Today at work i modded my valve,all went smooth and easy to do,i polished everything as per instructions in ref. page and jeweled collar. I,m alittle unclear as to adjusting Valve spring retainer, screw in till top hat barly moves and then backoff a hair. Any comments on this adjustment or help.



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Me to ,DNR!

I got my chrony from DNR sports best deal around.

Thanks! I’ll check them out.


Check E-bay, D-N-R Sports has the best price on them.

Who carries the F-1 Chrony?

I want to hear about some wows. If you did it all right, you should be a happy camper. The tough part is without a chrony you can’t dial it in. Maybe with the money saved on the barrel you could put it towards a F-1 chrony, $69 very well spent. It is completely upgradeable in the future with the addition of the printer you get the other features. Get a set of feeler gauges and set the tophat at .070/.071 for now. Did you swap springs or stay with the factory one?

I,m glad you stopped by and seen this,now i can fill tank and shoot! Thanks 😀

I use teflon tape and tighten till tight. I do replace the spring so i’m not after super tight, more ease of opening thing for me. Its not critical how far its screwed in, tight is good.

You kind of got me thinking about shims as guys can’t get the tophat to tighten down as far as they would like. Some blue locktite liberally applied to a predetermined distance would help in this matter by not tightening the retainer as far as one normally would, Hmmm..

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