
Mini Lathe and Mini Mill Owners

Did some upgrading today and I was really quite pleased.

I picked up these two items for the mini mill and they are far superior in accuracy then the one the mill comes with. The runout on mine is less then .003.



As for the minilathe I stepped up and got a set of these.


I chose that set due to it accepting HSS cutters as well as carbon. The minilathe need an adjustable tool holder to get it centered. When I cut some aluminum stock and WOW….it was far smoother then the other cutting I have been using and my lame attempts at grinding tools never produce as nice as curls as this one does. Highly reccomended


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quote Shadoh:

I will have to remember that. I cant think of a reason I would run them in reverse though.


Now that is something I did not know.

Thanks for the info. No can you tell me what DYKYMWTMYDSOB?

here is a little help (Do you kiss you mother with that mouth you dirty son of a bitch)…..LOL

I re-did my last post. 😯

quote martin777:

Nevermind. I found them buried in the bowels of the internet. :mrgreen:

Page 23–> Part # 1724 & 1725.


But on this page they’re listed as TCMW’s–>
I guess I’ll talk to a human when I order-huh? 8)

Looks like you are on the right track. Chris at LMS should be able to help you.

OK–here’s the skinny—>

Insert designations–TCGW-21.51 and TCMW-21.52
C=Clearance angle of 7°
G/M=manufacturing tolerances–G=more better than M
W=Countersink hole

Next the 21.51 and 21.52 codes—>
2=0.250″ cutting edge length
1.5=thickness of 0.094″
1=corner radius of 0.016″
2=corner radius of 0.031″

So for me it’s the TCMW inserts.
If you don’t believe me here are the codes (8.27MB .pdf)–>

Those links are for TCMW inserts. Are they the same as TCGW?

Hey wok it looks like your ready to start turning something for me…. 😀 Congradulations

Hey WOK—->

Where do you get your TCGW-21.51/52 HSS inserts?

I will have to remember that. I cant think of a reason I would run them in reverse though.

I dont use the keyless because they come loose when you run them in reverse.


quote Shadoh:

… I ordered some of those keyless “precision” ones off of Ebay. Im kinda worried about not being able to use a key to tighten it down but I figured I would give them a shot….

Most of the keyless chucks I’ve seen have a much finer thread than a keyed chuck. You can get them pretty dang tight by hand. The only ones I’ve seen slip were when the bit grabbed and the shank wasn’t in good shape to start with. If you bought Albrecht, you bought good. And they can be rebuilt in a few years too.

quote bikincrazy52:

Sorry for sounding like a complete noob, but what is a mill for? because those look like drill press chucks to me.

A mill can be used as a super accurate drill press also.

Sorry for sounding like a complete noob, but what is a mill for? because those look like drill press chucks to me.

Nice WOK. I just ordered some new chucks myself. The ones I had were total crap. I ordered some of those keyless “precision” ones off of Ebay. Im kinda worried about not being able to use a key to tighten it down but I figured I would give them a shot.

Those lathe holders are the same ones I have. They work great

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