
Merry new year.

… To all 🙂
Ive not been active on the forum for a while but i drop by now n again just to make sure every1’s behaving.
Nice to see all the usuall (unusual ?) suspects are still here.
Anyhoo. Hope yuz all have a good new year.
Later, Sean.

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Welcome back glad to see you again

Right back at you!!!

Have a Merry one, and another, and another, etc.

Hi Ya blod! Great to hear from ya! 😀 And a very Happy New Year to you!


hi sean, its 9mm dave from up north, hope you and yours have a good un mate, your work on my 9mm valve and breech was fantastic, almost finished the build now, just need to cut a lead into the barrel and im sorted, the 9mm diablo pellets are a bit tight,,
will put some pics up on here when its finished,, you truly are a master craftsman mate,, and making the whole valve body and valve out of stainless was a nice touch,
anyone wanting a bigbore valve body and valve I would highly recommend this man,, this thing is guna kick some serious arse,,,
im still interested in buying another one of your normal high flow valves as a spare for my .257, got a few of your valves but I like to hoard them for future builds, ha.

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