
Members in Houston Area?

Who else here lives in the Houston area?

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How are you guys handling air for your guns? I have ordered a rifle from Tony @ Talon Tunes and have to figure out how best to supply air.

Thanks, Bruce

I’m in Central Texas! Killeen next to Ft. Hood

scarsdale for me, not too far away, maybe 15-20 min


I live close to Hobby Airport. Are you close?

Anyone here getting air fills over 3000 PSI?

I think I need to find someone it the Houston Fire Dept. I am thinking they fill Scott-packs to 4500.

I at lest got a replacement diving c-card. I lost one about 20 years ago. I was certified in 1979 and PADI still had me on record.

I’m in Austin.

i’m in southeast houston

I have shot mine in Houston my home town but now live in Central Texas……just 3 hours away. I go back to Houston several times a year.

Me 🙂

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