
Made a new hammer ……

well a while back i had ask about the delrin hammer that came in my gun. after discovering that it was to light to reach full potential . I decided to turn it down some and add some lead tape… Worked great for about a week and maybe 100 shots…Until I realized that my groups were getting erractic and i could’nt hit anything past 50 yds… I took the gun aprt to discover that the sear had indeed been in contact with the tape… So after a quick trip to lowes with my calipers in hand… I purchased a 6″ x3/4 brass pipe nipple..After cutting the threads of on end, i determined that i could actually use the pipe alone as a hammer ( with tapered edges of course)… But upon close observation I realized that i could turn down the spindle area of the stock delrin hammer and have a force fit inside the pipe… Now the next problem was the o.d. of the brass was larger than my derin guides and no lathe….Hummmm old crosman barrel,,,,drill,,, electrical tape,,,file,,,and a vise…. O.K. wound tape around the old barrel until i had a press on fit of my piece of pipe. placed a allen wrench in the vise to act as a guide or stop… chucked the old barrel in the drill….Now we have a poor mans lathe… so i turned that badboy down until I had a nice 50 gram total weight hammer…..I can now turn the gun down to 3 and plink at the 700 fps range or go to 7 seven and be in the 950 range…I have’nt tested yet to see how many shots I can get at the lower setting but i bet it’s more than the 50 at highpower…. I did discover that there is not enough force to actually shoot consistantly at a setting of 0. but it would probably be o.k. for basement plinking….

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