
MA considering banning lead projectiles SOS SOS SOS SOS

California has already done it in part of the State. It is being proposed in Arizona, and now is being proposed in Massachusetts. Just a heads up to everybody.

(This just in from the NRA).

Proposed Bill Could Ban Lead Ammunition in Massachusetts!

Please Contact Your State Legislator Today!

House Bill 783 and Senate Bill 558 introduced by State Representative Jay Kaufman (D-15th Middlesex) and State Senator Steven Tolman (D-2nd Suffolk & Middlesex) would create a more restrictive policy regarding the use of “toxic chemicals” in the Commonwealth. Hidden within the proposal from environmental and anti-gun extremists is what amounts to a ban on all common rifle and handgun ammunition.

“The Safer Alternatives Proposals” will create a program to replace ten “chemicals” with what proponents claim are safer alternatives. On the top of the list of targeted substances is lead, the common element used to make virtually all bullets. As proposed, this legislation could virtually shut down all shooting ranges as well as ban the sale and use of lead ammunition for self-defense, hunting and target practice in Massachusetts. Non-lead alternatives exist for ammunition but are significantly more expensive and, in many instances, have sub-standard performance characteristics. Shooting ranges already fall under federal EPA regulations concerning environmental impact and recent science and EPA guidelines show that lead ammunition on shooting ranges can be managed without detrimentally affecting the environment. Predictably, this legislation does not account for the serious impacts on shooting ranges and the sportsmen and gun owners who use them.

Please call or write your State Legislator and respectfully request that the lead ammunition be completely excluded from the scope of the legislation. This step is essential in order to protect the future availability of ammunition commonly used for self-defense, hunting and the shooting sports in the Commonwealth! Contact information for your State Legislator can be found at http://www.mass.gov/legis/.

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quote blodnob:

Does that include lead alloys also ? Is there a cut off line for the percentage of lead content ? I know there are a few lead free pellets out there such as the logun penatrators. They’re good pellets in there own right and not just an acceptable alternative to lead.

These are .25 logun penatraors. I would think all pellet manufacturers would be aware of antimoney and as soon as sales droped off would be compelled to produce a lead alternative such as these. These i think are more enviromentally driven to cut down the amount of lead floating about. Just big brither protecting us from ourselfs agian.

Logun Penetrators are 99% Lead

Pax – Manufactures already, has a Range of Tin Pellets

Dynamic Range – As was advised back in the 1990’s that Lead would be banned as a contact material


UK is Banned from Shooting any Lead Pellets or rounds in and around any water Sources – to protect Bird Life
With a very large Fine should a person shoot Lead in these Area


I’ll sell you tins for $60… 😆 😆 😆 😆

Ha. Idiocracy was hilarious. If this passes, within 5 years, there will be a HUGE black market for lead pellets. 😆

😀 Read 1984 last year, uggh, Soylent Green is a classic but haven’t got to Lord of War, i’ll put that on the list…

Have you seen Idiocracy? It is supposed to be good and funny but ultimately depressing since it cuts close to reality or what could be seen as the next reality/future…

Or a few that are about the current thought process, “The Choice” by Zbigniew Brzezinski and “The Pentagon’s New Map” by Thomas Barnett. Very interesting look at the motives and drive of politicians and world leaders…

I’m from of a long line of war heros, veterans (see Charles Whittlesey, The Lost Battalion) as well as some of the founding fathers and the very first to come to America from England. I feel strongly connected to the USA and it’s politics, hell, Sherman’s right hand man in the March to the Sea was a Whittlesey…

Unfortunately I am not a natural politician but an inventor and builder, my job is architecture and soon I will have my license. As an architect the elbow rubbing possibilities are endless and inspiring people within their homes and businesses is how I can change things in my own way.

You are absolutely correct about ‘how to change the world’, you have to play the game of politics… And not fight it via protests or violence, like the misled hippies (which can only be short for hypocrite)…

It baffles me how most people agree on what is good but those in charge seem to have a totally different outlook, like they are from another USA or culture that I have yet to meet anywhere in the US… Oh and the shortsightedness of their decisions is incomprehensible…

Changing the world one building at a time! 😉

Thanks AKULA and be well!


JW; Get a video copy of “Soylent Green”. I think you’d be both alarmed and amused. The novel “1984” by George Orwell also comes to mind for your entertainment and to fuel your fears. There is nothing like a little paranoia to turn the mind into a wreathing mess.

Follow this by watching “Lord of War” and you’ll then know why liberal, paranoid legislators act the way they do.

How do you turn the tide? Run for office. Change the laws that affect you for the better. If you do decide to run for high office I’ll be glad to pen your speaches.

My family got out of politics after one our patriarchs was assassinated. You might have heard about that incident from social studies class. My great grand uncle was William McKinley, the 25th president of our country. My family lost its taste for elected office following his death. And that was over a century ago.

Good luck if you decide to change the world. It’s an up hill battle but worth the effort. AKULA

What is next, new pennies?

If a child swallows a zinc penny and the .01% copper plating on the outside (post 1984) is scratched or missing that child will die…

How about plastic bags, babies suffocate if unsupervised…

Will it be a felony to leave a 5 gallon bucket with the top off since 6 babies in the past 20 years have died by drowning…

What a bunch on total nonsense, laws like this will have us sitting fat and lazy in fully suspended atmospheres like slugs in the womb.

If we eliminate all the things that kill people we are going to have to start doing it ourselves… 😕

Next petition is going to be, well there are too many people so we have to make special harmless ways to exterminate the extra people…


Does that include lead alloys also ? Is there a cut off line for the percentage of lead content ? I know there are a few lead free pellets out there such as the logun penatrators. They’re good pellets in there own right and not just an acceptable alternative to lead.

These are .25 logun penatraors. I would think all pellet manufacturers would be aware of antimoney and as soon as sales droped off would be compelled to produce a lead alternative such as these. These i think are more enviromentally driven to cut down the amount of lead floating about. Just big brither protecting us from ourselfs agian.

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