Low pressure mod?
Has anyone looked into (or done) a change of spring and hammer to allow for shotting on lower pressure like the USFT?
This seems like the a very simple thing to do with a very modular rifle like the talon.
Add a 24″ barrel and change something about the valve/spring/hammer and you should be able to shot at the lower pressure? right ? wrong?
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speaking of the edge…..I was trolling around airforces site and found this picture that I had never ween before. A close up the right side of the gun. All the other pictures were the left side.
It clearly shows a line between a small upper tank and the adjustable butt and what looks like an adjustable check piece. Which is strange because the adjustable stocks on some of the air arms rifle are not allowed in CMP.
Martin D. White
By the way, the lady I spoke with said they were needing another couple of months of testing before they’d release the gun to dealers. When I asked if that meant September, she said maybe a bit sooner than that, but she was uncertain.
As for whether they’ll sell the Edge tank (or the valve alone) as an optional item, I have no clue. It wouldn’t surprise me much to find that the threading on the edge valve/regulator won’t fit a standard Airforce tank. Again, fingers firmly crossed.
I read elsewhere that the edge was not regulated, gotta love the internet rumor mill. If it is regulated I will definitely try to buy one of the regulators from AirForce.!.!.!.
Is there an Edge Info thread somewhere?
Martin D. White
I spoke to somebody at Airforce yesterday (6-3-2008), asking if we’re ever going to see a regulated tank for our guns. She mentions that the Edge is a regulated tank, and that they’re still testing it, thus the delay in shipping them. When I pressed further if it would be an option on our “big guns”, she hesitated, but stopped short of saying it would not be an option. I mentioned that there’s a really good regulator designed by one of our own (Mika), and that I’d heard the design was bought by someone, and have crossed my fingers that it was Airforce that bought it. She said she didn’t know anything about that. Fingers still crossed.
I have no idea what sort of regulation the Edge might need, as it would seem a micrometer valve would be pretty much ideal in that platform. So i’m quite intrigued by the talk of a regulator. At a minimum, it may open up a whole new level of tinkering for us, to see how much performance we can wring out of a tank of air. Again, warranty be damned, I’m cracking the thing open! I want my 100+ 30fp shots! Hell, I’d be thrilled with 150 20+fp shots.
I realize that buisness venturs are risky and time frames change….but WHEN and from WHO….please oh please tell me when and where.
Martin D. White
At the moment, you can’t. But that is soon about to change! 😯
I keep seeing people say use a regulator to get more consistent shots, but I have yet to see a viable off the shelf regulator. I have seen nice drawings and prototypes of the in tank regulator, I do not see where this is available for sale. I would give $250 for one that works and provides ANY kind of adjustment.
Where can one get a ready fit (or even semi ready fit) regulator for an airforce rifle; talon or condor?
Martin D. White
I am talking about lower fill pressure, same MV.
Are you talking about lower power ie 12 foot pound or lower bottle pressure?
I’m using a home made hammer, out of Delrin.
No more 3000 psi fills for this one. It likes 2200 or so.
I get around 900 fps with JSB Exacts (not heavies or express) in 177 cal.
A bunch of shots at 880 to 910 fps. Maybe 50 or so?
I don’t know how many, I usually keep shooting until the POI drops and refill to 2200 and do it all over again.
I filled it to 3000 once and the fps started at 700 climbing. After 80 shots, it finally broke 880.
Stock spring, P/W at 7.
Lotsa lotsa shotsa…
Good for paper or small critters out to 40 yards or so.

It could be done. But with the valve as is would use far to much volume with decreased pressure.
You would get less shots. A regulator would be a better answer.
It sure would be easier to fill with the hand pump to a lower pressure…

Just buy a Condor with an old valve…. 😆
Those of us who had the Condor before the upgraded valve will get the humor. I’ve seen Condors that preferred a fill as low as 1800psi to get around the soft shots.
To answer your question, it seems possible, but I really havent heard of anyone trying it.
I assume you use a hand pump?
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That would be a sweet little tank for the big boys.