
Looking to upgrade to 9mm.

Who here has 9mm rigs? Do you like it? Have you ever shot 000 buckshot?

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I’m collecting parts for a .308 and am having difficulty gathering some information.

You have it worked out and could save me some error.


Roy S.

Dont see why not. Will be working on a bigger valve stem I/D so i’ll keep you posted..

quote blodnob:

Just what the doctor orderd. Here’s a full 9mm kit with all the above incuded. Look out for reports from new owner shortly
Wouldf it be ok to put pics of this LDC/silencer in the new section ?

Are you going to be making anymore of these Blodnob? I would gladly pay handsomely for a setup like that.

hey dnc i have used the ooo buckshot in my new 9mm setup and can confirm that it works very well,and seems very accurate,i am still waiting on a new chrono as i shot the old one,and when it does come i will be testing it and posting figures,mine is the 24″barrel setup,but what i can say is this is one hell of a brute when it comes down to power,and although i love the power at hand it is probably more than i need,if you get the 9mm kit i am sure you are going to love it too, 😈 😈

That looks pretty sexy blodnob. 🙂

If you want to mail me a free sample, I’ll be glad to do a review for you. 🙂 😛

Just what the doctor orderd. Here’s a full 9mm kit with all the above incuded. Look out for reports from new owner shortly

Wouldf it be ok to put pics of this LDC/silencer in the new section ?

Nah. The lothar walther barrels are pretty cheap.

Figure a:

9mm barrel
Bigger breech slide
Heavier hammer
Most likely a condor valve or custom for good power
Probably a new spring
Lots of air
You would be able to save a little money if you can find a used firearm barrel on eBay, remember .357-38 special firearms are 9mm

Another question he wants to know but forgot to ask, how much would it cost for all the parts to convert an airforce gun to 9mm?

What new parts are needed?

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