
Looking for fellow airgunners for field target

I am looking for fellow airgunners in the Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina area. I am trying to get a field course setup. Anyone interested please respond. I am also looking for rules and regulations.

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I’m about 45 min outside of Johnson City TN and about the same outside of Asheville….

quote rob3dr:

Got a few guns I could use for FT I reckon.

a FEW ???

Where are you at Rob…… Fun is the name of the game…. I’m niot the best shot in the world either… I am really hoping ot get something started here to benifit Kids and adults both….

Western NC here……

Got a few guns I could use for FT I reckon. May not be able to shoot them worth a piss though…. 😳

I’m planning on getting into FT but I’m in Ohio. Looks like it would be a lot of fun to go shooting and BS with fellow airgunners.


that was supposed to be roflmao…… O>K> looking for fellow airguners to start field target shooting in this region…

that was to damn funny…..

He’s pretty hard to miss! 😆 Nice wide target, but it may take a few pellets to stop that mass! 😛

Oh I get it JimW….Here is a volunteer

😆 The way the title is worded you may not get many volunteers… 😉

Do you know about these guys?


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