
Looking for better breech slide…

Don’t like the plastic POS that came with my Talon, plus I stripped the cocking bolt hole early on. I thought Sean (Blodnob) was going to send me something, but I haven’t seen or heard from him in ages, so I’m looking for an alternative. BTW, has ANYONE heard from Sean lately? I hope he’s okay, and just too busy with his real job to play with the airguns :-). This is in no way a slam at Sean, I think he’s a great guy and I love my valve. But I still need a breech slide, and don’t want to order a stock replacement. TIA.


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Sorry Sean is so busy, but glad to hear he’s okay otherwise.

Mike, I really like your breech slide, unfortunately, I have no machining capability. I know you’re busy with your regulator (awesome work, by the way), but is there any chance you could make one up of me? If so, email me direct to discuss pricing. My email address is in my profile. Thanks!


quote colinb:

Spoke to him the other day

think hes pretty snowed under with work at moment by the sounds of it

he blody better not be .i taklked to him last week and now i,m looking for him to do the work lol 😀

quote daved:

Don’t like the plastic POS that came with my Talon, plus I stripped the cocking bolt hole early on. I thought Sean (Blodnob) was going to send me something, but I haven’t seen or heard from him in ages, so I’m looking for an alternative.

Check mods-section. I made one from aluminium with plastic core. Easy to make (no inner O-ring grooves) and plastic protects barrel from scratches.

Spoke to him the other day

think hes pretty snowed under with work at moment by the sounds of it

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