
looking for a pic….

hi fellas…one day i found a pic of a talon in this forum which has a modified butt….this talon has a remote hose and uses co2…i d like to chech it again because i want to adapt a gotcha marker butt plate to mine and i need to get some ideas…if someone has the link i will be greatfull…
thanks you all…

Talon/Talon SS

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I have the stock WalkonKing linked to, and I don’t like it on the back of my TSS at all. If you imagine that T shape sticking strait off of the back of the Talon or Condor, you’ll realize that it places the entire gun lower once you shoulder it. Most of the modified or custom buttplates for Talons and Condors (such as the ever popular Wokbutt) focus on raising the rifle when it’s shouldered so you don’t have to bend your neck down so far to get behind the scope. The T style works well for paintball markers because it generally attaches at the bottom of the pistol grip, so the marker sits a good four or five inches higher than the Talon will sit.

That said, a gas thru stock for a paintball marker is clearly the easiest way to meet your goal of a remote line Talon that still has a stock. Unfortunately, I checked Google and the stock WalkonKing suggests seems to be the only gas thru stock currently on the market that will fit your application.

The good news is that the butt plate (rear, vertical T bar) is easily removable with one allen screw, so you could replace that with more of an L shaped butt plate fairly easily. You could also attach a cheek piece to the horizontal lenth of the stock to attain a more comfortable cheek weld. Some fabrication would be required to make this stock work well, in my opinion, but it doesn’t seem too daunting.

Good luck!

no mate…

i mean something like this…

i need to know how can i do to put all this stuff together, get some ideas

why?? because i’d like to try sniping lay down without the tank on my face and be a little more confortable….

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