
Long range!

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This makes me wonder about all the problems we have with sxopes. Paralex, clarity, ect! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b59f573156

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Hard to tell how large the black bull was or the range, but still puts my shooting to shame.

I shoot iron sights quite well, particularly aperture sights, but this guy is crazy good with them.

wow that’s impressive!

Rattle Snake is very tasty!!!

quote wickedshooter:

yep, I’m from guam, and those brown tree snakes are abundant here.
but not around my house. i think my dogs kill’em
before I get a chance to shoot em. lol 😆


Yo wickedshooter, I’m on Guam too!

Rattlesnake is the good one though. 😛

Alabama Black Snake is the one to watch out for.

Probably ripley’s or something.

Awesome shot. Give him a new target rifle with a big 42x scope. Stick him on a boat in the middle of the ocean, and let him take out terrorists from there. 😛

I love Sharp’s rifle with a pip 8)
But what that man doing’ on sci fi channel anyway? 😆

Lol. I did a report about the brown tree snake in 7th grade (?). From what I remember, they are quite annoying. Always causing power outages and stuff like that.

yep, I’m from guam, and those brown tree snakes are abundant here.
but not around my house. i think my dogs kill’em
before I get a chance to shoot em. lol 😆


Did you catch this one…! 😆

Grandma getting the drop on a would be shooter with a machine gun!

Hey Wickedshooter:
Are you really in Guam? If so, isn’t Guam where introduced exotic brown pythons are extremely numerous? (I always get excited about extremely numerous target animals). Are you getting any of that? If so, tell us tales.
Thanks Gary

imagine what he can hit WITH a scope 😆

That is amazing 😯

And everyone thinks they need a scope right? See what practice can really do. Cuda

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