
Limited funds; unlimited desires

Trying to priortize things in my mind……. little success. Thus I am asking for suggestions from guys with more smarts, savy, etc..

If you had only so much money to play with, where or how, would you spend that money to reap the best balance between power, performance, and silence? Keep in mind that these upgrades would have to be performed by someone other than myself, i.e., Tony. I would give most anything to have, even only some, of the skills some of you possess.
It saddens me to think that I’ve not been able to teach those types of things to my son. And so in his retirement, as in mine, lots of hours are spent wishing you could build this, or do that. You are very lucky people….please,…..please,….spend as much time with your kids as is possible. They grow up, they move on. Bless yourself with a lot of memories… of time spent with your kids…. building things.

Sorry; guess I got a little off track!

I’ve been tossing things around in my head for days now. I’m just trying to get the best performance out of my SS that I can, at minimal expense, and without scaring the neighbors out of their “Depends.”

Hope your Christmas was a joyous one, and your children found the gifts more fun to play with than the boxes. Don’t mean that in a bad way, just recalling the days when my children were young.

Continued thanks to all of you with the patience of a saint, and the fortitude to put up with old farts like me.

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I agree with these guys.

If you cant do it yourself, hand it off to Tony and it will be done right.

I’m lucky with my experiences. What I dont have at home, I can use at work.

Hi Shaky!

What “performance” are you looking for? fpe? shot count? quiet? what do you do most with the gun? target shoot? hunt? plink cans? does it need to stay “compact”?

I’m sure Anthony can make all your airgun dreams come true!

Happy Holidays, Jim.


Check your PM’s

I would buy a 24″ .25 barrel from tony. I would buy the parts for a shroud from lowes and make it myself, then I would do a valve mod myself. Ta-da! 55fpe and quietness for about $200(?)

Making the shroud should be easy. Though, I have never made one. The valve mod is easy, but if you are unsure, I could buy a stem from airforce, mod it and send it to you in the mail. Then you would just have to depressureize your tank pop out the old stem, and pop in the new one.

I was using that setup for a few months, and it worked great.

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