Laser Sight for Talon SS
Hi guys, it’s been sometime so I thought to pay you a visit.
What’s a good laser sight to put on the Talon and I don’t feel like forking over 100 bucks LOL.
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The laser travels in a straight line, your pellet does not.
Set your laser where you want it. Then shoot a various distances and take note were the pellet hits in relation to the red dot.
Is this a good price for the green laser???
Let me ask the same question in another way. If I set my laser for say 15 yards, will it still score a hit at 10 yards……and 20 yards? Or is it just accurate at the 15 yard range?
Thanks for your patience!

Mike T.
Depends on how you want to use it. Mounted on the bottom in conjunction with a scope is great for range estimating. Mounted on top, zero it for any distance required for your needs.
Do you (all) recommend to mount the laser on top or on the bottom of the barrel? Or does it make any difference?
Mike T.
I also have the BSA laser, better then the crosmans by far. Has the on/off switch on the laser and the cord for continuious on as long as its depressed, off if its not pressed. Easy to adjust for POI and lots of adjustment travel to get it right, good solid mounts comes with the laser. For the quality and size this could sell for more then its retailed for. Its one of those deals in the AG accessories area, similar to leapers, build quality to price ratio. The price is right and it does what you need it to. The only way to get more from a laser setup would be go to green, like Randy
I got a $20 BSA laser
Set it up for the pellet to go thru the beam around 12′
Shot a Bat in the house ,its wings spread,let it hang off the curtain for awhile before I threw it out. Only time I used it.
ive had a beamshot 1001u for almost a year now and its top notch
rock solid with the R1 mount

Your laser if mounted on top of the gun the pellet will cross over it at 2 distinct distances. You can set your laser to intersect any distance you want. Most guys have them set up for up close shots because a scope is far more accurate for the long distance.
What kind of latitude (margin for error) do you have with a beamshot, at any given distance?
I really like my FULLY adjustable cam and X/Y axis Green Laser that can be used in the daylight. I have had mine on a .223 and now it is back on my Condor but it is nice to confirm either a 25 or 50 meter zero with your optics.
As YN says the Beamshots are great (I have a red one only works indoors and at night) one just needs to balance cost and quality. The cheaper plastic BSA and others (I have like 4 of them) are just cheap toys for sure.
Both my Beamshot and Green Laser are made completely of metal. I did remove the QD mount and use 25mm scoperings for a more solid mount on my Green Laser.
I’d go with a beamshot.

Steve I have a $30 gamo laser. It is steady and does not shift but it is funky to adjust. It has a button or a switch. I set it up to where I can hit the switch with a finger and it works well. I pick this up at a local sporting good store.
Others have had luck with the crosman one also.
I set mine up to be dead on at 15 yards for up close yard stuff.
My intent is to zero the laser for up to 15 or 20 yards and use the scope for 20 to 40.
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Easy to adjust where you want the pellet to go thru the beam at night.
I didn’t like the BSA until I used threadlock on it,its worth the $20.
Impact has that green Leapers I’m going to upgrade to someday.