
Just bought some new pellets

I got some .22 Crowmagnums and JSB Predators. The Crows shoot AWFULLY. They shoot 2.5″ three shot groups at 35 yards. The Predators realistically tie the Exacts. However, I had a few goofy shots with the Predators. The polymer tips may not be very consistent. I’ll try some more tomorrow. Why do the crows shoot so badly? Waste of 7 bucks

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Cromagnums shoot all over the place. I have tried zeroing my gun with them and it is almost a waste of time, but as soon as I try the kodiaks or the jsb predators, my sanity comes back! I think cromagnums are good for very close range targets only; anything out to 30 yards it shoots a one inch group at best for me. 🙄

I’ll just stick with the Wolverines/Exacts.
AKULA, I used to have a small home job designing a website for a band. They kind of split up though and things aren’t going so well. In about two months I’ll be liable to get a job.

My girlfriends seven year old daughter doesn’t petition me with the inane………..

Jool, with a stock TSS the kodiaks are only going to go so far being 21g. The TSS can push them around 720fps. Check out sportsmans warehouse for some wolverines labeled by BSA, they are JSBs 16g and perfect for your rig. For backyard shooting the kodaks will do fine but won’t have the range at longer distances. The cromags a junk for distance shooting. Don’t get to caught up in all the diffeent pellet type hype. They’ve all been tested, CPs, JSBs, , Kodiaks are prety much the main menu, eun jins if you have a condor.

Jool; I hate to say this but you need to get a job. AKULA

I’m still trying to get myself to order some CPs and Kodiaks from somewhere, but the shipping is just too much!

Cro mags are only good for me at 20 yds by 30 the suck. My 410 cant shoot them at all.

Crosman premieres and Kodiaks for me 😆

quote jooleyen:

Do you think a sideways heavy pellet like the Crow Magnum would be very effective on game at close ranges?

Yep, even sideways it still carries a lot of impact energy.

Yes. That is what I think happened. I saw the pellet tumble and it made a sideways mark in the paper. I’ll just give up on them. I have yet to try CPs and Kodaks. Those Crows are some LONG pellets.

Do you think a sideways heavy pellet like the Crow Magnum would be very effective on game at close ranges?

Yes. That is what I think happened. I saw the pellet tumble and it made a sideways mark in the paper. I’ll just give up on them. I have yet to try CPs and Kodaks. Those Crows are some LONG pellets.

The Crows shoot bad in my SS on co2, and in my Benjamin EB22, At first In my case I thought it was because of length of the pellet and the low velocity fails to get it stabilized. I have seen them hit the paper targets sideways.

I gave up on them, now I just use them in my pistol for 10feet or less, or better yet avoid using them all together.

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