
Is this Edgun an R3 that the multi shot kit fits?

I believe it is, but want to be sure. Thanks


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Thanks Kekoa and Tony for your reply’s. There is no doubt now that it can be upgraded. Not sure I want to go there at this time fellas. Just gathering the information for now. ❓

Yes this is upgradable one.

quote Urgirlinmyjetta:

You are correct…the multishot will fit any edgun that has the barrel shrouded….r3 and above….tony had mentioned that in another thread.
quote zeeafus:

Thank you ser. I thought I had seen that post before. Finding it with my computer skills is another question. 🙂

+1 to Urgirlinmyjetta and I have one for sale in the for sale section if you interested.

Thank you ser. I thought I had seen that post before. Finding it with my computer skills is another question. 🙂

You are correct…the multishot will fit any edgun that has the barrel shrouded….r3 and above….tony had mentioned that in another thread.

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