
Is a TalonSS for me?

Hi guys, i am considering getting another rifle, soomething to fill the “gap” between my .22 Gamo CFX, and my .25 cal sumatra.
and i am considering getting a TalonSS, but ibe had a (quite honestly) BAD experience with AF rifles before (remember my condor?)
The SS “in paper” completely fills that gap, but first i need to be 1000% shure of a few things, so i can decide if an SS is really what i need, so i would appreciate some honest, no BS advice from you guys…

From the rifle i want…

Heres what i need:
1 – Capable of spitting CPs in the 800~900 range.

2 – Very accurate (like hit a pidgeon at 80 yards kind of accurate)

3 – Reliable

4 – VERY VERY silent

5 – small size

6 – .22 caliber

Heres what i do NOT (repeat NOT) want
1 – to have to fuck arround with hammers, springs, tophats and valves to get it working like the owners manual sais it should

2 – to have to do “tunning”, “moding” or any kind of “improving” to get it meet the requirements listed above (i know this is basically repeating what i said in point one, but i just wanted to make it *cristal* clear)

3 – to have it break down on me after a couple of months because of a “mechanical malfunction”

4 – Did i mention *NOT* having to mess with it to get it to work properly? 🙂

The ONLY mods im willing to do to it after i take it out of the box

1- some improvement on sound supression, leather “o-ring” on the hammer, and aditional bafles, scotch brite, etc. in the shourd are ok.

So, what do you think guys, i guess what im really asking is, do those nice TalonSS actually work as advertised out of the box or im i just gonna get myself another fucking nightmare like the condor i had?

Any advice will be much appreciated.


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You could always order one from Tony. That way it would be working in optimal condition, and you could even get him to make a small shroud for it to make it deadly quiet. That is what I would do if I did not want to worry about getting it to work properly.

Yes, the work “OK” filled to 3000psi but you will start your shot string underpowered, shoot up to max, then back down. The sweet spot for fill pressure seems to be a little different for each tank. A somewhat lower fill pressure will let the valve work better, gives more consistency and conserves air; scuba tank lasts longer or pumping is easier. None of my 6 tanks shoot best velocity or consistency on 3000psi fill, in fact one seems best filled to 2400 and shot down to 1800. Fine with me, less effort to fill.

Thanks for your answers guys 🙂
Like i said, its OK to do some sound supression mods, heck! even some top-hat fine tunning is OK! the idea is that i dont want to have to spend months, and hundreds of dollars more, to get the damn thing to work like it sais in the manual. Like i did with the condor i had.

About getting it from mac1, i would love to, but dont live in the US, so i would have to buy it from a store in this country.

One more question please..
Do they work OK when filled to 3000psi, (i of course mean out of the box)? or do they need a lower fill preasure?

As you describe, I don’t think that any airgun will fit into that class. Unless you want to spend a hole lot of cash. I’m not sure about this, but maybe you should check out the Air Arms S410. I have absolutely no knowledge except for a few videos on youtube of a guy doing 200 yards shots. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5md7Ke4BsA

From your list of ‘must haves’, its not for you.

Out of the box, it won’t be that quiet. Isn’t hard to get to be quiet, but you’d need to work on it .

About the velocity. I am not sure about CP’s, because I don’t have any. However, right out of the box it would shoot 16 grain JSB Exacts at 830 fps. Just yesterday I went through 250 of em to get it to shoot 855 fps. So I bet you could get darn close to 900 with CP’s. I forgot to add that at a 3000 psi fill, after 40 shots, the tank is down to 2400 psi.

About sound.
Out of the box the gun is actually pretty dang loud, in my opinion. Loud enough that my neighbors complained. I put some fender washers and springs in the frame, separated by O-rings, and that helped a lot. It still wasn’t quit enough for me though. I took the barrel out and vented the bushing, then I vented the frame. That did the trick. Now all you can hear is mechanical noise. I do think if you find some good baffles in the frame, it will be quit enough for your needs. Good luck.


I had my Talon SS for a couple of years and did not do jack to it other then cosmetic stuff. I did adjust the top hat but that was more for fine tuning the gun. It worked fine without altering the top hat settings.

This is what I suggest you do. Buy your Talon SS from Airhog or Mac1. Call and ask them to make sure it is good to go and you do not want to have to adjust anything when it arrives.

Those two guys will send you a gun that has been gone over and ready to shoot.

Then when you get the gun. DONT TAKE IT A PART AND FUCK WITH IT….Not even to add a hammer slap mod…forget that shit. Just shoot it and live with the little noise the hammer makes. Baffle the gun and you are set.

There is that is some NO BS ADVICE as requested 😀

Maybe get a tuned one. As any out of the box would work fine i suspect, some fine tuning maximizes the entire setup. You’d also need to baffle the frame of a TSS to fully appreciate the silence is golden rule.

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