
is a gunpower stealth a talon ???

hi everyone, im not sure if in correct place but i have a 22cal gunpower stealth which if i use standard hammer and spring cocks fine but if i try to upgrade to heavier hammer and spring it just wont cock or engage. many thanks in advance for any advice.

Talon/Talon SS

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How did you get on with your rifle in the end?

I have the .177 .22

I have heard lots of stories about the hates of them I have not had any major problems and wondered has any one else over here inthe uk.

From what I understand the Gunpower brand IS the Airforce brand but for Europe. So the chassis is identical but the internal workings are just throttled back for power restrictions I’d imagine.

From the looks of it it looks shorter than a Talon. Has a similar design though. How about the stock hammer with the heavier spring?

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