
Invest in a SureFire!

I’ve got a SureFire 9P mounted on my AF rifle. It’s about 1.5″ longer than the 6P but there’s still plenty of room on the lower rail of a Condor. The Lumens Factory 320 lumen HO bulb with two 17500 rechargable li-on cells is very bright. It’s like a spotlight without the size or weight.

Last night I took a 35 lb coon off of a bridge. He was only about 10 meters down, but with the light shining in his eyes he couldn’t think of anything better to do than run in circles.

Coon is in buddies fridge waiting to be skinned for fur. Ate the last one and didn’t find the flavor worth the work.


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quote kingpin:

hay nuglor is that you on yhe tryke? just kidding —– cool!!

Damn boy… Don’t you recognize your daddy when you see him? 😆

hay nuglor is that you on yhe tryke? just kidding —– cool!!

quote cw:

Airtight, do you have a link that you could
post as to where to find that set up with the
rechargeable battery? Also, do they make a remote
end cap for it?



You could try candlepowerforums.com. You probably won’t find it as a combination unless someone is selling used.

The flashlight will run near $80 new. It can be found in a number of places including directly from the manufacturers website and on ebay for about $72 shipped.

You could used SureFire’s primary batteries but you’ll only get anywhere from 25 minutes to 1 hr of runtime on the 9P depending on the lamp you’re using. At about $2 a battery it can get expensive. I paid about $25 for two rechargeable 17500 sized cells. 2 of them is the same length as 3 CR123s. I purchased them from the user AW on the candlepower forums. That’s probably your best bet as far as batteries. The battery brand is AW. You’ll want charger number WF-139 from UltraFire. You could also try their rechargeable 17500s but I don’t know that they’d work too great with the flashlight. I had rechargeable CR123s at first and they wouldn’t light the bulbs. The UltraFire rechargeables are only $10 a pair. Check the links I’ve listed, they have free shipping. Make sure you get PROTECTED units. And be sure to remove the batteries from the charger when the lights go green. Li-on cells can get dangerous. Being protected makes them somewhat safer and longer lived.



The SureFire 9v bulb the flashlight comes with is great and is really bright, but if you’d like just a little more you can go with the HO-9 from Lumens Factory. It can be found on ebay for about $18 shipped.

SureFire doesn’t make a remote endcap but you can find them on ebay for about $20 shipped. Just do a search for 9P pressure switch.

Feel free to ask anything else.

quote photo22:

The SureFire lights are great setups. 😀


Airtight, do you have a link that you could
post as to where to find that set up with the
rechargeable battery? Also, do they make a remote
end cap for it?



The SureFire lights are great setups. 😀

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