

I’m new here. Just wanted to say hey. I’m getting ready to buy a new Talon SS soon.

The options available for Airforce guns are almost intimidatingl, but that’s what drew me to the gun. When I found out how modifiable this gun was, I knew I had to have one and then when I found this site – WOW! The wealth of info here already is amazing. Can’t wait to get started.

It looks like there are several members form the dry side of Washington State. I grew up in Pullman and Spokane, but live on the wet west side now. I miss the sunshine and being able to see farther that 100 yards. Also miss the hunting.


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Welcome aboard Pilgrim!


I used to live in Spokane, then moved up North of Couer D’ Alene! (Sandpoint, Idaho). Welcome aboard!

Check your private messages.

Thanks for the welcome.

I’ve been hoping to find a deal on a used SS, but I’m getting inpatient so I’m going to pull the trigger on a new one this weekend. It’s my birthday on Sunday so my wife won’t be able to get to upset….yeah right.

Welcome Pilgrim, that’s a great name. Your gonna love your SS. Power, accuracy, quiet, then more quiet after you install the springs and body washers. And it is cool to look at. High pressure air is so cool! You have probably already searched this site and seen all of the modifications, and heard from so many of the people who make this forum great. Enjoy that SS when you get it.

No Talon yet? You cant post here! Go away!!! 😈

Of course, I’m kidding. Good to have you here. Read up and enjoy so you’ll have a good feel for what your SS will be capable of. You’ll find a knowledgeable group here with enough ideas to keep you busy modding that gun for years to come should you choose to do so.

Howdy Pilgrim… *that’s as John Wayne as I get*

You will enjoy it if you like to tweak and tune. I get the thing zero’d and then have some other little tweak to try, keeps me shooting all the time.

Have fun,

Alright there Pilgrim, lets get those pellets into a tight little circle… LOL.

Welcome aboard, Post often, Enjoy your stay!


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