
Intank regulator project…

Hello Guys,

I thought I publish my project so far. I have been designing new regulator which will go inside main tank. The reasons are simple;

-it won’t take space between gun and tank
-it’s safe since everything is inside tank
-the big forces are all gone and replaced from stretching to compress
-there is good space for relatively big size regulator chamber which is needed (25ccm) for low pressure and wider pressure-range (more usable shots)
-the firing valve is separated from regulator design so one could use any valve available (although it needs connection thread for regchamber)

I already built two prototypes and tested them on dedicated testbench. The regulation works. I did few hundred of strokes and it regulates the pressure everytime to set value. I still need to examine different poppet-valve sealing materials since I am not 100% happy with current implementation. Over few hour period there is some pressure grawling noticeable meaning that first shot will be little faster than rest.

The difficulty for Talon regulator is the filling. It has to be able to handle bigger forces during filling and also has to pass trhough the air from regchamber to the tank. That was the reason for “inventing” poppet-valve to the regulator. It handles both. Eliminates the bigger forces against regulator-sealing and acts as oneway-valve during filling.

The regulator is designed for 300bar and the regulator body can handle 3x that pressure when it comes to strength.

When used with 100bar pressurerange the accuracy from first to last shot is about 1.6% leading to 1.2m/s velocity drop over whole range. Of course there is little bigger variation during string because of other factors.

This is how it should be assembled to the gun….

The princible of regulator…..

-spring lifts poppet-valve’s stem and air starts to flow from tank over valvestem to the regulator chamber
-pressure in regchamber raises and exceeds springdiscs force and regulator pistons moves to the right. Poppetvalve closes.
-shoot and the cycle restarts
-during refill the overpressure in regulator chamber (against tank) will push the poppet-valve open and air will flow to tank
-the regulation pressure is adjusted with big M14x0.5 thread in the “tophat”
-do realise that the flowchannel in poppetvalve is 10x smaller than through the regulator piston. The pressure is always same one bothsides of piston’s heads. So don’t get confused about the “reverse” design.

The parts….

Prototype number two…

Poppet-valve and integerated sealing…

About the scale of parts….

Bench testing….

In the bench the regulator is inside aluminium tube…

It’s not ready yet but it’s a step closer to our common goal… regulated Talon which can shoot consistent shots with wider pressure-range and wider ME range. Next I need to build or get main firingvalve to be able to perform some fieldtests with gun.


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Better Pictures ? Nothing to see on the outside.

Here the string I shot.

Some strange numbers, but it was from the plastic disk inside the spring.

I will ask Marc and an other guy if they want to share inside pictures.

How about some better pics.

Marc. YOU DID IT, :bow: :bow:

Yeah Ewoodie, after many years of talking about it we finally did it!
Filling you bottle through the collar, using a Banjo connector pictured!

Over 100 shots at 30 foot pounds, amazing, 30 foot pounds is good for killing too !!

where do we get one?

We still like the inside reg. Project.

After a lot of thinking and trying, trail and error, a freind of me made a REAL INSIDE REGULATOR in the bottle,
Only a few milimeter longer valvehouse
And give 105 shots Hoot: @ 30 ft/lbs with jsb exact 16 grains. With a 250 Bar fill!

i was going mad , My dream was 50 good shots @ 280 m/s ( 30 ft/lbs).

I hope I would love to stick one in my guns

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4

May-be Doug can do somthing with it?

who knows that was back in 07

looks like a great idea/product…. wonder what mike did with the design?

so this guy never showed back up that sucks

quote Randyhub:

yes I heard something about Men in Black, Nevada desert, and not being heard from again????


Fun enough 🙂

So, dear readers of the topic, if anyone of you have some direct contacts of mcMike or pjp (e-mail, skype, icq or something like this) please can you PM me this contacts or please send me this contacts by e-mail – zloguru(at)mail.ru.
This f***ing intank regulator really deprived me of sleep.

Thanks a lot beforehand.

yes I heard something about Men in Black, Nevada desert, and not being heard from again????


You’re flirting with disaster, newbies….

Anyone who gets close to a regulated Talon gets sucked into the abyss… never to be heard from again. I’ve seen it happen to several folks throughout the years.

We’ve got one more hope for a regulated Talon but I’m not going to jinx him as he’s still got my gun!!! 😯

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