
inconsistant velocity

hey guys,
just purchased a talonss. on a typical fill of @2800 psi, with jsb exacts, i am getting 750 fps, when it shoots good. a string would be something like this: 751, 750, 753, 320, 751, 280, 340, 749, etc.
what do you think the culprit is causing those severely diminished shots? i really like the gun when it is shooting right, but when i line up a shot at a target, or squirrel, etc, and phhht, a 300 fps lob hits the ground about 10 yards in front of me, i want to toss it into the lake. help
plus, jsb’s don’t seem to be very accurate in this gun. will have to check some other pellets.

Talon/Talon SS

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One other thing you might look at is the pw setting. With a fill of 2800psi, I need to have my pw setting atleast at 8 or higher. The lower pw settings with this high of a fill can cause those “duds”. With my pw on 10, I can fill it to 3100psi and get all solid hammer hits – no duds.

I had the same issue with my older SS. The hammer was “chattering” as Adam said…I didn’t lube it though, just polished the hell outta my barrel where the hammer rides. It solved the issue. Check your tophat first though as it’s an easier fix.

Check to see if your tophat is loose. You’ll just need to tighten up the set screws and use some loctite to stop it coming loose again.

Could be a few things but it might be your hammer is chattering and not hitting your bolt hard enough. You might try putting some dry lube in the area of the hammer. Some guys say no, but it works for me.

Once I was even so bold as to put a couple of drops of silicon lube on the hammer.

Lubing the hammer some agree with, others do not. If you use dry lube it will help if that is the cause for your problem.

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