
Illuminated Scope for 100$ ?

Hey guys. I am looking at a BSA scope for 100$ and wondering if I can do better. It is used and is a 3-12x 40 I believe. I want to do some hunting at dusk and some shooting at 10 yards.

Is there an illuminated scope worth looking at? I can afford about 100$ for the scope and don’t mind ebay. I like a bigger sight picture and am not yet into lots of long range shooting and adjustments. For the most part I set the scope at about 6 sight it in and shoot it. Getting a talon with a 24 in barrel.



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quote synopsys:

I just ordered the Leapers 6-24×50 AO Varmit scope… Should be here Friday, it was 90$ with a coupon, should be an improvement over my Wal-Mart especial 4-9×30 something or other…

I’ll post a little review and comparison when it gets here!!


Your going to like that Leapers scope. I have one and it has good range and the focus up front is smooth. One problem is it will only focus down to 15 yards, but that’s fine for most AirForce guns.

I just ordered the Leapers 6-24×50 AO Varmit scope… Should be here Friday, it was 90$ with a coupon, should be an improvement over my Wal-Mart especial 4-9×30 something or other…

I’ll post a little review and comparison when it gets here!!


I havent used that one I got my scope from mid south shooters supply.

quote Y:

You can get a Tasco Varmint 2.5 – 10 x 42 Illuminated brand new for $80.

All the BSA scopes I used had a very small field of view (small image) and the only other competitor in the $100 price range are leapers scopes, I’ve had good ones (4-16×56, 8-32×56) and bad ones (3-12×44)…

I’ve owned BSA’s, Leapers and Tasco’s and the Tasco’s are the ones I still have.

Tasco’s are great for the money.

Sounds good. Thanks for the info. Does tasco have a decent warrenty? Where is the best place to get one? Also what about the tasco 3-9 x 56? Big difference?

You can get a Tasco Varmint 2.5 – 10 x 42 Illuminated brand new for $80.

All the BSA scopes I used had a very small field of view (small image) and the only other competitor in the $100 price range are leapers scopes, I’ve had good ones (4-16×56, 8-32×56) and bad ones (3-12×44)…

I’ve owned BSA’s, Leapers and Tasco’s and the Tasco’s are the ones I still have.

Tasco’s are great for the money.

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