
I want a Discovery!!!

Probably keep my Talon and make something ridiculous out of it I am thinking a 24 inch 9mm and try to get 8-900 with a 147 grain slug. I really like the thought of a 240 dollar pcp that will get 30+ full power shots from a 2000 psi fill

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This is a seriously ugly rifle:


quote Tyke:

That has got to be the ugliest rifle I ever saw, I hope it shoots well.


Here is an ugly airrifle but its performance makes up of it.


It’s in the top ten-ugly-rifles….maybe #3 or #4 on the list.

In my opinion, this one is one notch uglier:

Didn’t help the looks of the Discovery to put the second barrel band on, but it did add some stability (it’s a hunter, and down here, the hunting is reasonably hard). The brake adds length to an already too-long rifle, but the brake detaches (even then, rifle feels “long”).

From the factory, that trigger guard is horrible, and the too short/too far forward trigger makes it look even more like a cartoon-trigger.

No fore stock should have that fish-belly shape. It’s functional, but far from classic lines. While I’m at it, the stock has a rounded over /over sanded look about it as well, but while that’s visually unappealing, it is a good feeling stock.

But it does shoot well,a t least out to 50yards, and does crank out 22-29 foot pounds as issued. For $240 (which is what today…about 125-130 pounds?) it’s performance has been outstanding.

That has got to be the ugliest rifle I ever saw, I hope it shoots well.

Disco is a pretty good hunter…but you’re going to have to mod. it to make something else out of it. It’s virtue is that it’s simple and light weight….good things for a hunting gun, not so important for a target/match gun.

Will get 30 consistent shots per fill once you work out the right spring pre-tension (so a “power adjuster” mod is worth the doing)…usually the best setting is less than full power (isn’t that true of nearly all PCPs?).

Trigger is a plastic-nightmare. No place else shows the cost saving measures to get it in under $300 as much as that rinky-dink cheap plastic trigger and trigger housing.

Pull can be cured somewhat with polishing and spring adjustment. Are two springs, a coiledspring that pushes the hammer forward (easy to deal with) and a “rat-trap” spring that powers the sear on one end/safety on the other.

Quick trial fix: Sensitive subject, but none of my old match guns (FWB150, RWS75, FWB300) have a safety of any type. If you just remove the safety on the Disco, that leg of the rat-trap spring moves farther back, reducing tension on the other end…which lightens the trigger pull considerably.

I like it…certainly isn’t prefect, but it’s accurate and is one PCP that I don’t mind hand pumping.

One thing I like about the discovery is it’s simple, with a built in air guage.

My problem with the discovery is I would have to put a better barrel on it and a shroud and then an adjustable shoulder piece as well as a riser for the breech to put on a shroud. Then I would need to buy a super sear mod to get it to shoot well.

And Viola!….It is right in there with other PCP’s.

I know that guys are using the B50 with good success with only a few little tweeks and they to are using low pressure and getting 30+ shots. And probably are a better gun for the money.

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