

Hey guys I shouldn’t have waited so long to ask this question and i’m sure its been asked before. My friend and I are going to the local indoor range and going to be doing some chronograph testing of our “bone stock” Condors. I was wondering/looking for help as to what sort of log I should keep. So, I’ll start off here. 1. 3000 psi fill 2. beeman crow magnum pellets 3. P.W. set to (here, i’m going to try max for the first 100 shots (or should i only do fifty?), then, after another 3000 psi fill, i’m going to try minimum, OR should i set it smack dab in the middle) then depending on how it likes/dislikes 3000 psi fills, we’re going to continue filling our tanks on a sliding scale 2900/2800/2700 etc. I know i’ve missed some critical info. Help me out guys.

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Hey Dave please see my chrony thread and give me your thoughts. Thanks.


Hah! Dave I got you beat!!! I don’t even know if we have excel on this comp. and don’t know how to use it if we did lol.

Sorry, Sam. I always forget that part, I’ve used Excel for so long and so much that it feels like it should be part of Windows to me :-). If it turns out you DO have Excel on you ‘puter, let me know. My spread sheet is REALLY easy to use. Later.


Hah! Dave I got you beat!!! I don’t even know if we have excel on this comp. and don’t know how to use it if we did lol.

Hey, Sam, I have a couple of Excel spreadsheets I use for recording chrony data on my computer. Problem is, I don’t know how to attach them to a post here :-(. Although I use them just in the computer, you could also print them out and use them for data collection as well. If you’re interested, send me an email and I’ll email them back.

And Adam, if this is something that anyone else is interested in, I’d be happy to send you copies to post in the reference section. Or tell me how to post an Excel spreadsheet without having to scan it and turn it into an image file. Later.


I do intend to play with the top hat in the future. But wanted to get a good baseline now. From everything i’ve read here the C.P.’s seem to be very accurate. Where should I set the P.W. when I start adjusting the top hat for the C.P.’s? Obviously i’d like as many shots as close to 1000 F.P.S. as possible. Thanks in advance for your advice.

By 25 shots you will know how consistent your shooting. I’d keep the preload high like 10 on the PW, as i still read about problems with the valve opening fully. Which is fine to start lower then climb to high velocity and back down you’ll end up closer to the avg. velocity and do it with more shots. Now that i know what your shooting, you should stick with Kodiaks and not CPs as the condor valve is setup to accept heavier pellets in.22 or better yet .25 cal. Its either that or turnb the tophat in to try and reduce the amount of air from the valve to pellet.

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