

Ok I am getting ready to start my Talon SS fund and it will be only used to kill rats I am in Baltimore, Md. so there is ample amounts of rats to shoot at. The reason I chose the Talon SS is

1. I don’t have to cock it between shots like my Big Cat
2. Its accurate as hell
3. Its not as big an my Gamo Big Cat
4. Its quieter than my Big Cat
5. Look at it, she looks like rat killin Mayhiem…….. LOL

Ok so these are my questions

1. Should I get the CO2 version they claim “The benefits of shooting a Talon SS on CO2: Over 1,000 shots per CO2 tank at 700fps” and I know that Paint Balling is done right up the street from me. so I could fill up there
2. can the Standard Tank be filled with an air compressor rather than a scuba tank I don’t even think they sell scuba tanks in Baltimore let alone fill them
3. how many shots do you get with the standard tank before filling up

Ok guy’s help me out 😉

Talon/Talon SS

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quote snake:

as a rat killer myself, I wouln’t go with c02 as you really do need the stopping power with larger rats. I have killed tons and unless you want them scurrying away and telling all theyre friends you just shot them in the ass, you have to hit them with power and in a vital spot. They are tough bastards!

I have the talon SS with the pump and its not a big deal at all man….OK the first initial fill is a flannel wearing hairy bitch, but after that its cake unless you let it get real low. just get a 6pack and make it fun. 😆

Personally I blast 10-20 shots at rats and other pests, thats 2-3 days or so. and then top it back off to full power with the pump and it takes 5 minutes and its good exercise. Maybe 50 or so pumps, I never counted 😆 One of my next purchases is going to be a tank though.

But since you seem to have similar needs for the talon I thought I would weigh in. Whatever you do go with I know 1 thing, You will love it and prepare to be addicted. I leave you with some motivation :


Thanks, those are some big rats there I just got a digital camera just for rat pics I will be posting some this weekend.

as a rat killer myself, I wouln’t go with c02 as you really do need the stopping power with larger rats. I have killed tons and unless you want them scurrying away and telling all theyre friends you just shot them in the ass, you have to hit them with power and in a vital spot. They are tough bastards!

I have the talon SS with the pump and its not a big deal at all man….OK the first initial fill is a flannel wearing hairy bitch, but after that its cake unless you let it get real low. just get a 6pack and make it fun. 😆

Personally I blast 10-20 shots at rats and other pests, thats 2-3 days or so. and then top it back off to full power with the pump and it takes 5 minutes and its good exercise. Maybe 50 or so pumps, I never counted 😆 One of my next purchases is going to be a tank though.

But since you seem to have similar needs for the talon I thought I would weigh in. Whatever you do go with I know 1 thing, You will love it and prepare to be addicted. I leave you with some motivation :



Sounds like Sex…. 😀

OMG LMAO about 500 from empty 😆 😆 I’ve been pumping for the last couple of months and wholly mother 😆 😆 😆 I changed the spring in a tank and I think I got it pumped back up over about 2 hours while I watched a movie.

That being said the pump sure is nice for testing, carrying and such and I get the same fill everytime. It does take a while to fill from shooting 100-200+ shots as I only pump it up 20 bar then let it rest/cool down and my heart rate drop back under 100bpm 😆 SCUBA is about 15-20 seconds to fill from empty and my heart rate is still at 60bpm 😉

Legs burning, back cramping AHHHHHHHH I’m having a flashback!!!

LMAO, Jim.

quote Jeremiah 29:11:

I have a a pump and so I do not have to depend on anybody nor scuba tanks.


I have a a pump and so I do not have to depend on anybody nor scuba tanks.


The above link is from the Yella forum. Almost to the bottom is Baltimore.

You can also go with a hand pump if you want a workout…


What to do, what to do….?

CO2 is easy and if you can get fills then that is great, but as stated before you are not going to get the velocity.

But check out and google your city and scuba you might be surprised what you come up with

To answer your first question, it really is a personal preference. Yes, you may get more shots from C02, but C02 is affected by temperature. You won’t get 700fps if it’s 60 degrees out let alone any colder as I know Baltimore tends to be.

The answer to your second question is no. A standard compressor will only go up to about 150psi whereas a Talon bottle is filled to 3000psi. If there is a paintball shop up the street from you, I’ll bet my left nut that they have an HPA setup and can fill bottles to 3000psi. You just have to have the right fill adapter.

As to the third question…. it depends on what power setting you use. At full power, you should get at least 40-50 shots before it starts dropping off. (Someone correct me if I’m wrong) At lower power settings, it will increase.


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